He's Jealous PART 3 -All Of One Direction

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NIALL: Just before 3:00am, you find yourself at the swings in the park where you and Niall shared many dates and lazy afternoons once upon a time. Niall is already there waiting for you, hands shoved deep into his pockets as he paces around in a small circle. "Hey," you greet uncertainly. "Hey. Thanks so much for coming here. I know this is all so crazy, but I just really need to talk to you and get things sorted out. I know we broke up and you're with someone else, but I just-" You cut him off there by placing your hands on his upper arms, looking him in the eye, and saying, "Niall, stop. There's no need to explain. I get why you want to talk..." Niall sighs, not really knowing how to say what's on his mind. You cross your arms over your chest, standing there awkwardly. You kick at some dirt by your foot, not wanting to make any more eye contact with Niall. He watches your face as the streetlight casts shadows over your features. "Look, [Y/N], I'm just gonna come out with it. I was an ass. We fought all the time and it was all my fault." "It wasn't all your fault, Niall. I was just as much to blame. We both got snippy at each other over stupid things and that ended up driving up apart." "I know, but I still should have made more of an effort to be civil and try to fix things." "Same with me. Look, blaming ourselves or each other or whatever isn't going to change anything. We broke up, it's over. I've moved on and you should too." Niall's heart sinks and his face falls. "So that's it? Just like that? We aren't even gonna talk about it?" "What is there to talk about? Nothing is going to change, Niall!" "Why can't it change, huh? Why can't we try again and make things different?" "We can't make things different, Niall. They just have to be different!" "Then let's try again and have things be different!" he shouts, irritated. "It's not that easy!" you holler back, growing increasingly frustrated. "Why do you keep saying that??" he nearly yells, pulling at his hair. "Because it's true! Things can't be as easy as you want to make them!" "Why not??" "Are we seriously arguing right now?? You wanna get back together but clearly things won't be different at all if we are still fighting over everything!" you shout, defeated, and sinking down onto one of the swings. Niall lowers himself onto the swing next to yours and sighs. "What are we doing?" he asks sadly. "I don't know... This can't go on anymore. I'm just done. I'm sick of the fighting. I'm tired of having the same arguments all the time. Even now, it's all we're doing..." Niall nods in agreement. "Maybe its best then that we stay broken up..." he brings himself to say, heart racing as he does so. "I really think it is. As much as it kills me to say it, we both know it's true." With that you stand up to leave. Niall stands too, saying, "I'm sorry I bothered you with all this today... I just had to try one last time to save our relationship." You nod. "Some things just can't be saved... Bye, Niall." "Bye, [Y/N]." At that, you retreat back towards your car, leaving Niall behind you and never looking back.

ZAYN: "I love you too," you whisper into his chest, feeling at home again in his warm arms. You grip onto his t-shirt, balling it up into your fists, never wanting to let him go. A shiver rises up Zayn's spine and he pulls away just enough to look at you. "Let's go inside, yeah? Sort through this mess?" he suggests and you nod, following him inside. You both sit down on his couch, and at first the room is filled with an awkward silence before Zayn breaks it. "So...we still love each other, and we both admit it was stupid to give up so easily and split...so where does that leave us now?" he inquires. "I know I haven't been the nicest person to you since we broke up, ignoring your messages and all, but believe me when I say I'd like us to try again." Zayn lets out the breath he hadn't even realized he'd been holding, a huge smile spreading across his face. "I'd like that...more than you know. We never should have broken up, and now that we both realize that, I think we actually stand a chance at making it work this time around." "I do too. We know what we did wrong and we know where we need work... I'm willing to put in the effort if you are." "Of course I am," he tells you earnestly, feeling like he's dreaming. He'd been waiting for this to happen since the day you two broke up, but he never in a million years through it would actually become a reality. "Come here," he instructs, opening his arms up to you. You scoot over and nestle under his arm just as he leans in to give you the biggest kiss you've ever gotten from him or anyone else. You kiss him back, glad to have him back in your life. One kiss leads to another, which leads to another and another. Before you know it, you're tangled up in each other's embraces on the couch. Zayn pulls away at one point to ask, "So does this mean we're back together?" You giggle and kiss him once more, giving him all the answer he needs.

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