Couldn't Imagine -Justin Bieber

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*You and Justin are hanging out at the park. You turn your head and see these girls that live near you. You don't like them because they're mean to you. You grab Justin's arm and pull him in the other direction. Justin is wear sunglasses a hat and a hood so nobody knows it's him. As you walk away you hear them call your name. You and Justin turn around but Justin keeps his head down.*
Girl: What's up ugly?
You: Can't you just leave me alone? Is that to hard for you to do?
Girl: It's hard because you're just so fugly.
You: Just leave me alone.
Girl: No. Who's this finally got a boyfriend? Couldn't imagine. What guy would fall for you? Who ever falls for you must be stupid!
*Justin lifts his head up and looks at you then looks at the girl. He puts his arm around you. You smile.*
Girl: Oh my god Justin Bieber? I love you so much.
Justin: Listen I don't know who you think you but she is the smartest prettiest nicest girl I've ever met. That's why I'm dating her and that's why I love her. You on the other hand are just so... You're just jealous because she's so much better.
Girl: Whatever and I bet you two aren't even dating there are no pictures of you guys in magazines.
Justin: I've been on tour missing my baby like crazy so I had to come back and see her.
Girl: Then why don't you guys kiss?
Justin: Wanna see us kiss? 
*Justin leans in and puts his hand on your cheek and on your hip and your arms are wrapped around him and you guys start to make out.*
Girl: I'm my god that's enough you two are the most annoying people on earth I'm leaving.
You: Gurl please you're just jealous that my boyfriend is amazing perfect and not yours but your boyfriend is well you don't have one.
Girl: Well at least...
Justin: Why don't you just go.
*The girl walks off and you tell Justin the whole story. You tell him how you and her grew up together and everything.*
Justin: Well you showed her and you're a good kisser.
You: Well thank you. You're not so bad yourself and thank you for standing up for me.
Justin: Well know what?
You: What?
Justin: Will you go out with me?
You: Of course I will Mr.Bieber.
Justin: Maybe soon you'll be Mrs.Bieber.
You: Maybe.
*You both start laughing then you guys kiss.*
Justin: Let's go to my house and hang out I'll cook us dinner.
You: Sounds amazing.



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