First Steps First Memories. -All Of One Direction

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HARRY: "Baby, baby, come quick!!!" Harry shouts frantically from the living room. You come sprinting down the hallway from your son's room where you had been folding and putting away his clothes. "What's wrong? Is he ok?" you panic, turning into the room. You come to a halting stop when you nearly run straight into Harry in the doorway. "He's fine! Look." You follow his gaze to your son wobbling on his own two feet in the middle of the floor. After taking a moment to better stabilize himself, he takes a clumsy step forward, followed by another, before landing with a thud on his diapered bottom. He giggles and claps for himself. "Carson!" you coo happily, going over to scoop him up and give him a congratulatory cuddle. "Good job, big boy!" "That's my little man!" Harry praises, giving him a kiss to his forehead. Carson giggles and babbles until you put him down and he tries again.

LIAM: "She's never gonna walk..." you sigh, defeated. You and Liam had been trying repeatedly for weeks to get Makenzie to walk, but she just doesn't seem to care much for walking just yet. "Don't force her. We're doing all that we can and she'll pick up on it when she's ready. You glance over to where she's sitting on the floor, playing with her toys. "I know..." As you both continue to watch her, Makenzie notices and crawls over to you. She stops just before reaching you and stares up at you for a moment. "Come here, come see Mommy," you encourage. She takes a second to get up on her unsteady legs and teeters there for a moment. You gasp. "Is she... Is this..." Before you can finish your thought, Makenzie is taking a gawky step forward. She loses her balance as she goes to pick up her second foot and stumbles back. She sits in her spot, looking to you and Liam as if needing a cue of what to do next. "Oh my God! She did it! My baby took her first step!" you praise. "Yay Makenzie!" Liam cheers, clapping for his daughter. She just blows a spit bubble in response that pops when she smiles at the attention she's getting.

NIALL: Cole looks on as Niall shoves another piece of chicken into his mouth. "He makes me very uncomfortable when he watches me eat like that," Niall comments. "Why? You afraid he's gonna try to steal your food?" "Funny," he deadpans, taking another bite. "Cole, eat your dinner," you probe gently. He just smashes the peas under his chubby palm. "That's his cue that he's done for now," you mutter, wiping his hand off before letting him out of the highchair. You plunk him down on the floor with a couple of toys so you and Niall can finish eating. He continues to stare intently at Niall's chicken. "If you want a bite, you have to come get it," Niall tells him, waving the piece at Cole's eye level for him to come for it. "He's not a dog!" you scold, smacking him in the arm. Next thing you know, Cole is on his feet and taking a few uncertain steps towards the chicken before falling forward and crawling the rest of the way. You and Niall stare at him, stunned. "I guess we found his motivation. Good going, Cole!" Niall observes, lifting his son into his lap and breaking off a small piece to him to eat, having deserved it after that. "Like father, like son," you muse, biting into your own piece.

ZAYN: Lane had been lifting himself up and attempting to walk for the last couple of days. You know it's only a matter of time before he's able to put the motions together and make his first successful step. "Come here, Lane. Come to Daddy. You can do it, buddy," Zayn coaxes, arms outstretched toward your son who's standing just a couple feet away. You sit on the floor next to Zayn, giving your own words of encouragement. Lane looks back and forth between the two of you before laughing and taking a couple steps. He falls, but gets right back up to finish the path, crashing right into your open arms. "Or come to Mummy, that's ok too," Zayn mutters sarcastically. You laugh. "Cut it out. He's been saying Dada for months now; it was my turn to be a special part in one of his firsts." Zayn just smiles at you and puts his hands up for a high five from his son, who blinks at him a few times. "That'll be the next thing we work on," Zayn tells him.

LOUIS: "Ok, Lea. Let's go over this again. You stand up, you take a step forward, you DON'T fall this time, and then you take another step forward. And another, and another. Got it?" "What the hell are you doing?" you question, stepping into the living room where Louis is seated in front of your daughter, talking to her intently. "Harry's kid learned how to walk like two weeks ago! Lea is only three days younger, so she should have been walking three days later. It's time for her to step it up a bit," he defends. "That's not how it works, moron," you groan. "Come on, Lea. Let's show Mummy how much progress we've made," Louis instructs, helping her to stand. She lifts her foot to take a step, stumbles a bit, but maintains her composure, and transitions into a real step, followed by a second, before falling onto her bottom. "Did you- Did you see that?? She did it! In your face, Styles!!!" he exclaims, grabbing up his daughter and rising to his feet, spinning her in a big circle. You join the happy dance, jumping up and down and praising Lea for a job well done.


awwwwe sorry i haven't posted in a few days guys ive been really sick and in the hospital.

Hope You All Had A Merry Christmas!! <3

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