32. "The Fall."

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John got a message from Sherlock and we walked into Bart's to see Sherlock on the floor throwing a ball at a cabinet and catching it.

"Got your message." John said as I stood next to him.

"The computer code is key to this. If we find it, we can use it – beat Moriarty at his own game." Sherlock said.

"What d'you mean, "use it"?" John asked.

"He used it to create a false identity, so we can use it to break into the records and destroy Richard Brook." Sherlock said.

"And bring back Jim Moriarty again." John added. Sherlock stood up and looked at us.

"Somewhere in 221B, somewhere – on the day of the verdict – he left it hidden."

"Uh-huh." John said as they stood and stared off in the distance. "What did he touch?" John then asked.

"An apple. Nothing else." I said. Sherlock nodded as John began drumming his fingers on the bench.

"Did he write anything down?" John added.

"No." Sherlock answered. John sighed and Sherlock realized something. Sherlock turned his back to us and I frowned. A moment later he turned back around and sat on the metal stool next to him. He pulled me between his legs into his chest for a hug. I held onto him and kissed his neck. John's phone went off and I peeked over at him.

"Yeah, speaking." John began. He listened to the person and then stood nervously.

"Er, what? What happened? Is she okay? Oh my God. Right, yes, I'm coming." John said hanging up.

"What is it?" Sherlock asked.

"Paramedics. Mrs Hudson – she's been shot." John said freaking out slightly.

"Oh god!" I said. Sherlock held my waist to him.

"What? How?" Sherlock asked.

"Well, probably one of the killers you managed to attract ... Jesus. Jesus. She's dying, Sherlock. Let's go." John said turning toward the door. I went to walk out with John when Sherlock held me back.

"You go. I'm busy." Sherlock said to John as he rested his head on my chest. I ran my fingers through Sherlock's hair.

"Busy?" John snapped.

"Thinking. I need to think." Sherlock said pushing his head harder into my chest as though he couldn't get comfortable between my breasts.

"You need to...? Doesn't she mean anything to you? You once half killed a man because he laid a finger on her."

"She's my landlady." Sherlock shrugged.

"She's dying... You machine. Sod this. Sod this. You stay here if you want, on your own. Liz, let's go!" John said

"She's not leaving!" Sherlock barked. John shook his head and walked out. Sherlock's phone went off and he looked down at me. "Liz," Sherlock began and I shook my head.

"I can't believe you..." I began.


"Mrs. Hudson could be seriously hurt-,"

"Liz I love you. I need you to know that." He said and I stood there taken aback.

"Yes, I know... why?"

"I just... I love you so much," He began kissing me again, this time rougher.

"Sherlock-," I began as he lifted me up on the lab counter. He kissed down my neck and pulled at the neck of my shirt. "Stop!" I said pushing my hands to his chest. He looked at me, almost hurt.

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