75. "Cramp."

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I opened my eyes to see Sherlock's mop of curly hair resting on my chest. My arms were wrapped around him as he was fast asleep on top of me. I ran my fingers through his hair when I heard the noise again.



It stopped, sounding as though it were right outside our bedroom door. I instantly closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. I peeked at the door and saw someone's ankles, feminine. I nuzzled my head deeper into Sherlock's neck and he stirred. I heard two thumps and with that Sherlock stirred again and rolled off me. I automatically curled up to him and hid my face in the pillows hoping that wasn't obvious that I was awake. Light footsteps were heard as they padded down the hall. I peeked and saw no one in the room, but one of my heels sat at the end of the bed.





Thump. Thump.

"Sherlock, the door," I groaned. He returned the groan and I felt the under sheet being pulled off me. I sighed and got dressed when footsteps began making their way to the bedroom. I got my pants zipped and slid on a blouse beginning to button it up as Lestrade and Donovan barged in. "Well excuse you," I snapped.

"There's the heel." Donovan said sliding on a glove. Sherlock stood in the doorway and looked at me with curious eyes.

"What about it?" I asked.

"Someone reported a woman who broke into Craftsman Jewels a little past midnight. All they could see was a long black coat-," Lestrade began motioning to Sherlock's coat which sat on the chair in the back corner of the room. "And a pair of black heels." Lestrade finished motioning to the floor.

"Well if you're looking for a pair of heels, why don't you worry about the fact that I only have one."

"What?" Lestrade asked.

"Someone broke in last night-," I began and Sherlock looked at me, then around the flat. "It was a woman, judging by her ankles. She came in and sat my heel down, but she didn't have the other. S-,"

"Someone broke in the other night and stole her heels." Sherlock said walking back into the bedroom.

"So, Liz is being framed?" Lestrade asked and Donovan rolled her eyes.

"We're seriously going to listen to them?"

"I was here all night! I don't know what kind of proof you need. Isn't my bed head enough?" I pressed.

"What other descriptions do you have. Do you have a picture?" Sherlock asked standing over Lestrade's shoulder.

"Do you have pants on?" Lestrade asked stepping away from Sherlock.


"Uh. Why don't you get dressed and you guys can meet me at Scotland Yard? We have video surveillance."

"Alright," I nodded. Lestrade left with Donovan and Sherlock got dressed muttering things under his breath.


"This is a complete waste of time," Sherlock muttered in the back of the cab.

"I agree." I huffed. "Why would someone waste their time to steal my heels just to frame me?" I asked.

"I don't know. It doesn't make any sense at all. I think I know who this is however," he said.

"Already? We aren't even there yet."

"We'll see." He said.

We got to Lestrade's office and we stood around his desk as he turned on the monitor and played a video of a woman in a long black coat and heels walking up to the building. Sherlock stopped the video and looked at Lestrade.

"It's Donovan." Sherlock stated.

"What?" Lestrade asked in disbelief.

"Donovan is Liz's height; the collar is pulled up on the coat so you cannot see her face. She has Donovan's walk and-,"

"It looked like her skin tone," I admitted.

"Hm?" Sherlock asked me.

"I saw a person's ankle last night, but I didn't say anything." I said.

"Why would she want to frame Liz?"

"Who does she dislike the most?" I asked Lestrade.

"Anything to make Sherlock miserable, would bring her pleasure." Lestrade said quietly to himself.

"Exactly. Was there anything missing? Or was the building just broken into?" I asked.

"Just broken into."

"There you are Lestrade." I said. Sherlock nodded and we walked out of his office. "That was a waste of time."

"Told you." Sherlock piped.

"Ah, Sherlock." I stopped walking feeling a cramp building up. He grabbed my arm as I hunched over and stayed still for a moment.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, sorry. Got a bit of a cramp." I said. Sherlock looked me over and squinted his eyes. "What?" I asked.

"Take the cab back to Baker Street, I'll be home soon." He said.

"Okay?" I asked and climbed in. 


Inspiration is low rn. I had a ton of ideas and they escaped me today, sadly. Sorry the mystery wasn't good, but I was going to bring back Irene but I figured at this point in the story bringing her back is a little much with the other things I have planned. :)

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