85. "Bang."

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"Hello, where's my grandchildren?" Mrs. Holmes asked excitedly bursting into the flat.

"Alexander is over there," Sherlock nodded toward me in the kitchen feeding Alex.

"Oh, hello young man!" Mrs. Holmes smiled walking over to me. I put down Alex's bottle and lifted him to my shoulder to burp him.

"And who's this little one?" Mr. Holmes asked looking at Jade who was fast asleep in Sherlock's arms, her head propped on his shoulder.

"Jade Rosamund Holmes." Sherlock smiled.

"Rosamund?" Mrs. Holmes asked.

"Yeah. We did it in honor of Mary." I smiled.

"That's adorable." Mrs. Holmes smiled at me. "What about this one?"

"Alexander Scott Holmes." I smiled looking over at Sherlock.

"Against my wishes of course, but that's her son." Sherlock shrugged.

"He's yours too, dear." Mrs. Holmes scolded.

"Whatever." Sherlock mumbled as Jade began to stir. She never cried. It was weird. She would cry when she woke up, but as soon as Sherlock picked her up she was silent. Alexander though, would bawl at any given time. I'll be honest, he was annoying me already.

"I'm here." My mom sighed sounding out of breath. I noticed my dad following her up the stairs.

"Oh wow, did we miss the names?" my dad laughed.

"Alexander Scott Holmes and Jade Rosamund Holmes." I smiled.

"Can I hold her?" my dad asked Sherlock. I watched as Sherlock handed her over, but wouldn't let go when my dad went to grab her.


"Don't... hurt her..." Sherlock muttered.

"Sherlock, why don't you shower? You haven't bathed since we came home."

"Ew." Mr. Holmes mumbled.

"But... what if she cries?" Sherlock asked with wide eyes, much like a child's.

"Babies do that." I smirked.

"But she doesn't."

"She hasn't had the chance! You've been smothering her and she's not even going out on dates yet!" I laughed and he gagged. "Whoa, what's wrong?"

"She's going to go on dates?" he asked. I rolled my eyes and his mom smiled.

"Someone's a little protective."

"She's my little girl. If someone hurts her, I'll make their murder look like an accident." Sherlock sneered and walked off to the bathroom. I stood there and my dad held Jade out to me.


"I don't feel like getting in trouble. You hold her." My dad said. I rolled my eyes and held my daughter for the first time since we were in the hospital.


"Thank you guys for coming!" I sighed.

"No problem. You said Sherlock's been a little uptight?" John asked.

"Yeah! Yes! He won't leave Jade be. If she sleeps he leaves her on his chest all night. He feeds her, he burps her, he makes me change her diaper, but other than that... it's all about Jade."

"That's so cute!" Tori smiled.

"Yeah. Not really." I sighed.

"Right, well- Oh, ROSIE!" John yelled at Rosie who came running into the flat with her bear in her hands. She walked up to Jade who Sherlock sat in a little bouncy chair so he could use the bathroom. Rosie put the bear in front of Jade and she stuck it in her mouth.

"No!" John said picking up Rosie and the bear.

"It's fine. This is the most human interaction Jade has had." I said.

"Right. Take Sherlock out to dinner. It'll be fine."

"I'm not taking him out to dinner. I'm taking him on a case."

"Smart." Tori smirked.

"I hope so. He's not done anything the last month so what else can I do, ya know?"

"Oh absolutely. Have fun." John said. Sherlock came out and looked at all of us.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"We're going out tonight." I smiled.

"What? No. Why?" Sherlock asked me.

"Because I'd like a night out with Sherlock Holmes." I stated.

"What about the kids?"

"That's why we're here detective." Tori smirked.

"You think I'm going to let the- John and Tori watch my children?" Sherlock asked stopping himself before he made a rude comment.

"Yes. Look at Rosie, she's perfectly fine." I said motioning over to the little girl who sat on the couch with her teddy bear in her lap.

"Perfectly fine." He commented and flashed his eyes to John and Tori.

"For me. Please. Can we go out?" I asked.

"Yeah, fine." He sighed. He slid on his coat and looked at John.

"You've got this under control?" Sherlock asked.

"Absolutely. Have a good time." He said. Sherlock nodded and put his arm around me as we walked down the stairs and out of the flat.

"What're your plans?" he asked me.

"A case," I smirked and handed him my phone.

"What?" he asked.

"Someone sent ME a case." I responded. His eyebrows furrowed together and we walked down the street together.

"Mr. Green was murdered in his study. The wife found him... Lestrade doesn't believe she did it. However, they have a gardener, cook, maid, and personal trainer." Sherlock said reading the rest of the message.

"Let's stop by," I smiled. Sherlock stopped walking and I turned to look at him. "What?" I asked.

"Who are you and what have you done with my wife?" he asked.

"She's been a little lonely. Her husband has been spending time with another girl."

"Right." He smiled and grabbed my hand, pressing a kiss to my lips. "On we go." He said. I followed him as we reached the house. Sherlock knocked on the door and a woman in a black shirt and khaki dress pants answered.

"Hello, Mrs. Green?" Sherlock asked.

"She's out at the moment." The woman answered.

"Right. Do you mind if we ask you a few questions then, miss?" Sherlock asked her.

"And why would you need to do that?" she asked as Sherlock barged in. I followed and looked around the house, spotless.

"Well, if I'm not mistaken Mr. Green was murdered." He responded.

"He was. Why is that any of your business?" she asked.

"Where were you on Sunday? The night of the murder?" he asked.

"I was here. Like everyone else. But when Mrs. Green found him I was out getting the mail."

"Were you now?" Sherlock asked.


"You know something?" Sherlock asked her and she took a gulp. "There's no mail delivery on Sunday." Sherlock glared at her. The woman frowned and opened the drawer behind her. She hastily pulled a small handgun out from the drawer and pointed it at Sherlock.

"Don't you even think about going anywhere!" she yelled. I put my hands up and walked toward Sherlock when I felt a sting in my stomach. I fell to the ground after hearing a loud bang.

"Liz!" I heard Sherlock's voice when another bang sounded and Sherlock's mop of curls hit the floor beside me. 


No they're not both dead. And no this is not the end. 

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