89. "Client."

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Me being me, of course I ran after them. I followed them all the way down to the corner of the street where John turned around and stopped me.

"Jade, you need to go home."


"It'll be safer. Please. Go back home." John responded. I knew the look he gave me, it was the warning look. I couldn't disrespect John out of all people. I frowned and turned, running back home. Mrs. Hudson peeked at me from her flat as I ran up the stairs and into the living room. I stood by the window and picked up my dad's violin. I played a soft melody to keep me occupied when I noticed my dad's long black coat, John's brown leather jacket, and a woman in a shorter coat, much like my dad's. A client. I could see that. But who was she? And why did they know they had to save her. Quickly, I put down his violin and began looking around the table next to me. I skimmed over the papers they had lying out.



Nothing I could connect in my head before I heard their steps reach the doorway.

"Dad. Who's this?" I asked as I skimmed my eyes over her. Brown hair, brown eyes, short, married, distant, decent hygiene: under protection. It all clicked.

"I think you know." He stated slowly. The woman smiled at me, tears forming in her eyes just like mine.

"Mom?" I croaked.

"Hi Jade." She smiled.

"You... you were dead."

"No-," she began when my dad cut in.

"She was almost dead. They got her back in the hospital just in time. Meanwhile, she's been with Mycroft assisting the government in a protection program." He said.

"A small one, nothing crazy." My mom added.

"You didn't bother to mention it? Either of you?!" I glared beginning to get angry.

"We didn't want you to wait up on me incase I didn't make it home." She explained.

"I don't care! I would've rather known you haven't been dead for seventeen years." I glared.


"And you didn't bother to tell me either!" I said interrupting John. He frowned and Alexander showed up in the doorway.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Oh hey, mom's here." I snapped and pushed through them, walking up to my room.

I sat on my bed and glared at the locket my dad gave me. I shook my head and sat it on my nightstand. What a joke. I thought my mother was dead my whole life, just to find out she's been "in hiding". What is she even hiding from? I shook my head and heard a knock on my door. I felt my eyes roll involuntarily and my door opened.

"Jade," I heard my mother's voice. I turned to look at her and she had puffy eyes, meaning she was crying.

"Hey," I said.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. We should have told you, I told your dad to tell you but he said he didn't want to upset you." She said.

"Yeah. No, I get it. If I were in your place I probably would've done the same thing." I shrugged.

"Would you?"

"Yeah." I shrugged. I guess. I mean I had to think of it that way.

"Jade, you don't know how many times I wanted to come home. Mycroft would show me security footage. Sherlock would send me pictures on holidays-,"

"Mom, I get it. It's just upsetting."

"Right." She nodded.

"I'm just glad I get to see you. I'm still a little upset, but I'm trying." I nodded.

"Okay. I'm gonna go down and talk to Alex. He's taking it a little harder."

"He's over emotional." I shrugged.

"I see you have your dad's personality." She smirked.

"I deduce people." I sighed.

"What?" she asked.

"I could tell you were my mom from-,"

"No. I don't want to know. You..." she smirked staring at me in awe.

"What?" I asked.

"You have your fathers gift. You have the Holmes-,"

"Mom, stop. I want to go into fashion design... modeling... that won't do anything with my deducing..."

"You could."

"But what will dad say?"

"He'll say, do what you want to do. Jade, we love you, and he loves you more than anything. He would never let you go when you were younger. I'm surprised you've made it this long without going crazy." She smirked.

"I like the quiet feeling of sitting in the flat reading or up here designing."

"Your dad is like that. He likes to sit here, but he loves showing off more." She smirked.

"Right." I laughed, agreeing with her.

"C'mon, wanna help me talk your brother down?"

"We can give it a shot I guess," I smiled at her.


Sorry for bad updating. Hopefully this made up for it. I've been sick lately so I had a little bit of time. :) 

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