63. "Cereal Killer."

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John and I arrived at a TV studio and climbed out to meet the ambulance. Molly looked sickened as Sherlock just slumped around.

"Well? How is he?" John asked Molly.

"Basically fine." Sherlock responded.

"I've seen healthier people on the slab." She said.

"Yeah but, to be fair, you work with murder victims. They tend to be quite young." He said. I sighed and looked away.

"Not funny." She said.

"Little bit funny."

"If you keep taking what you're taking at the rate you're taking it, you've got weeks." She said.

"Exactly, weeks. Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Sherlock said as he climbed out of the ambulance.

"For Christ's sake, Sherlock, it's not a game!" she yelled.

"I'm worried about you, Molly. You seem very stressed." Sherlock said and I turned away again.

"I'm stressed; you're dying."

"Yeah, well, I'm ahead, then. Stress can ruin every day of your life. Dying can only ruin one." Sherlock said. I felt my heart internally break and I looked at Sherlock, him looking right back at me.

"So this is real? You've really lost it. You're actually out of control." John said.

"When have I ever been that?" Sherlock asked.

"Since the day I met you." John answered.

"Oh, clever boy. I've missed you fumbling 'round the place." Sherlock said.

"I thought this was some kind of..." John began, looking to Molly.

"What?" Sherlock pressed.

"Trick." John stated.

"'Course it's not a trick. It's a plan." Sherlock said.

"Mr. Holmes!" I heard. We all turned to see Culverton Smith approach.

"Thirty feet and closing: the most significant undetected serial killer in British criminal history. Help me bring him down." Sherlock said to John and me.

"What... what plan?" John asked.

"I'm not telling you." Sherlock said.

"Why not?" John asked.

"Because you won't like it."

"Mr. Holmes!" Culverton continued. Sherlock turned to face him and I stepped closer to Sherlock, but was still about five feet away.

"I don't do handshakes. It'll have to be a hug." He said.

"I know." Sherlock stated as Culverton hugged him.

"Oh, Sherlock! What can I say? Thanks to you... we're, uh, we're everywhere!" Culverton said.

"Come on." He said leading us inside. "Now, it's a... it's a new kind of breakfast cereal." Culverton said. "Kids will be getting two of their five-a-day before they've even left home! Breakfast has got to be cool. Dangerous." He said.

We watched Culverton film his commercial and Sherlock kept his eyes glued to Culverton.

"Has it occurred to you – anywhere in your drug-addled brain – that you've just been played?" John asked.

"Oh, yes." Sherlock said.

"For an ad campaign." John said.

"Brilliant, isn't it?" Sherlock asked.

"Brilliant?" John asked.

"Safest place to hide. Plain sight." Sherlock said.

"Mr. Holmes? Culverton wants to know if you're okay going straight to the hospital." A woman said approaching him.

"Hospital?" John asked.

"Culverton's doing a visit. The kids would love to meet you both. I think he sort of promised."

"Oh, okay." Sherlock said. Sherlock is okay with going to meet children? I looked at him in shock, as did John.

"If you'd just like to come this way." The woman said leading John, Sherlock and I back outside to a limo. We got inside and Sherlock took his time typing on a phone I've never seen him with before.

"So... what are we doing here? What's the point?" John asked.

"I needed a hug." Sherlock said.

"I could've given you one of those." I said as he sat the phone in his lap.

"What do you think, Mr. Holmes? 'Cereal' killer." Culverton said.

"It's funny 'cause it's true!" Sherlock said. I widened my eyes at him.

"See you at the hospital." Culverton said.

"Oh, you can have this back now." Sherlock said.

"Have what back?"

"Thanks for the hug." Sherlock said handing Culverton his phone. "Oh, I sent and deleted a text. You might get a reply but I doubt it."

"It's password protected," Culverton said.

"Please!" Sherlock scoffed putting his arm around me. Culverton noticed and I could tell, mentally took note as well.

"We're going to have endless fun, Mr. Holmes, aren't we?" Culverton asked him.

"Oh no. No, not endless." Sherlock said.

"Need another hit, do you?" John asked.

"I can wait until the hospital." Sherlock said and laid his head on my shoulder, slumping in his seat. I pressed a kiss to his forehead and he wrapped an arm around my body.

"You involved much?" A nurse asked John and I as we waited outside the restroom for Sherlock at the hospital.

"Sorry?" John asked.

"Um, with Mr Holmes – Sherlock and all his cases?" she asked us.

"Uh, yeah. I'm John Watson." He said.

"And I'm Liz." I said.

"Okay." She replied acting as if she had no idea what we meant.

"Doctor Watson." John added.

"I love his blog, don't you?" she asked.

"His blog?" John asked.

"Oh, don't you read it?" she asked.

"You mean my blog." John said as Sherlock exited the restroom.

"Say what you like about addiction; the day is full of highlights." Sherlock said.

"Oh, Mr Holmes. You feeling better?" She asked and smiled at him adoringly.

"Psychedelic!" Sherlock replied putting his arm around me. She noticed, but continued to fan girl.

"I was just saying I love your blog."

"Great. I..." Sherlock began when John cut him off.

"It's my blog."

"It is. He writes the blog." Sherlock said.

"It's yours?" She asked him.


"You write Sherlock's blog?"

"Yes." John groaned. Sherlock took a moment and blew out a long breath. I felt him hold me tight and I hugged him, mostly to support his body.

"It's ... gone downhill a little bit, hasn't it?" she asked. "Oh, it's this way, then." She said leading us into the room where the kids were. 


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