55. "Toby."

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Sherlock pressed his lips to mine roughly as we laid on the couch. I had my back flat against the cushions as he had his knees on either side of my legs, hovering over me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we heard Lestrade talking outside the door on the landing. We tried to cut them out, but we couldn't.

"For god's sake," he muttered. He stomped over to the door and flung it opne.

"Will you two please keep it down?" Sherlock snapped and slammed the door shut once again.

"Sorry." I heard Lestrade.

"Sorry." I heard a female voice. Sherlock returned to the couch and pressed his lips to mind again. He unzipped my jeans and tugged them down slightly.

"Sherlock," I breathed and he looked at me. "Bedroom, NOW." I growled.

"What're you two going on about? Oh-!" John came in from the kitchen door startled.

"Give us ten minutes," Sherlock responded taking my hand and pulling me to his room.


Sherlock fixed his clothes and walked out of the bedroom while I got cleaned up.

"So. What's this all about, then?" I heard John ask Sherlock in the kitchen

"Having fun." Sherlock responded.

"Fun?" I heard John ask with a slight giggle.

"While I can." Sherlock added.

"Mm-hm." John added. I laughed to myself and walked out once I fixed my clothes.

"Uh, Sherlock..." I heard the feminine voice again.

"Borgia Pearl, boring, go." Sherlock said. As I walked out I noticed him pushing the DI toward the door.

"Uh, but, uh..." she sputtered.

"Go!" Sherlock added and shut the door. Lestrade came in a second later and Sherlock looked at him in annoyance. "Oh, this had better be good."

"Oh, I think you'll like it." Lestrade smiled and held up a paper bag. He pulled out a clear plastic bag

"That is the bust, isn't it? The one that was broken." John asked.

"No, it isn't. It's another one; different owner, different part of town. You were right! This is a ... this is a thing. Something's going on. What's wrong? I thought you'd be pleased." Lestrade said and I looked to Sherlock.

"I am pleased." Sherlock replied.

"You don't look pleased." Lestrade threw back.

"This is my game face. And the game is on." Sherlock smiled. He took the bag from Lestrade and marched into the kitchen. He looked at the plaster under his microscope and John smiled at me.

"How are you doing?" he asked me.

"I'm great, you?"

"Oh, just lovely. Been quite exhausted though, you know?" he asked.

"Ah, not quite, but yes." I smirked.

"Another two have been smashed since the Welsborough one: one belonging to Mr Mohandes Hassan..." Lestrade said to Sherlock.

"Identical busts?" John asked.

"Yeah; and this one to a Doctor Barnicot in Holborn. Three in total. (He looks at his watch.) God knows who'd wanna do something like this." Lestrade sighed.

"Yeah, well some people have that complex, don't they – an idée fixe. They obsess over one thing and they can't let it go." John said eyeing Sherlock.

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