66. "Mistake."

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"You didn't see him take the scalpel?" Lestrade asked us. I sat across a table from Lestrade, John by my side. I looked at the recorder Lestrade had recording our interview.

"Nobody saw him." John answered, then looked to me.

"No. I didn't see it coming." I sighed.

"So you didn't know what was about to happen?"

"Of course I didn't know." John said.

"Well, there must have been some build-up. He didn't just suddenly do it." Lestrade said.

"Look, I didn't know he had the bloody scalpel." John said. Lestrade sighed and turned off the recorder and sighed.

"Ohh, Christ! I keep wondering if we should have seen it coming."

"Not long ago, he shot Charles Magnussen in the face. We did see it coming." John countered.

"He did it to protect Mary! Don't go for one second to say-,"

"And is she alive!" John yelled back at me. I sat there, tears forming in my eyes.

"We always saw it coming. But it was fun." John sighed as we heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." Lestrade said. A female officer came in and sat down a laptop.

"Sir. You probably want to see this." She said.

"Harold Chorley reporting earlier today. Mr. Smith stated he had no interest in bringing charges." The reporter began as the screen switched to Culverton being interviewed.

"I'm a fan of Sherlock Holmes. I'm a big fan. I don't really know what happened today. To be honest, I don't think I'd be standing here now if it wasn't for Doctor Watson." He said. I peeked at John to see him frowning.

"Is it true he's being treated in your hospital?" the interviewer asked.

"It's not actually my hospital... Well, it is a little bit my hospital... Uh, but I can promise you this: he's going to get the best of care. I might even move him to my favorites room." He smiled. My eyes widened and I looked over at John.

"Culverton Smith earlier today. In Nottingham..." the reporter went to sign off when the officer took the laptop away.

"He's right, you know. You probably saved his life." Lestrade said.

"I really hit him, Greg. Hit him hard." John said. I sighed and stood up, walking out.

I got back to the hospital and walked into Sherlock's room. I sat on the bed beside him. His eyes were closed and he looked battered. I frowned and took his hand lightly. I reached into my pocket for my ring and looked at it closely. Before I came I stopped at Tori's to pick up the ring. I slid it back on my finger and looked to Sherlock's hand, where his still was. I began crying again and looked up to the ceiling shaking my head. The door opened behind me and I jumped lightly.

"Sorry, it's-uh- it's just me." John said. I nodded and he sat in front of the bed. "Liz... I... I'm sorry you had to witness that-,"

"Don't talk about it, please." I said quickly. I didn't want to go off on John. Not here and most certainly not now. The door opened again and I peeked around,

"Oh, hi." The nurse smiled. "Just in to say hello?" she asked.

"No. I'm just in to say goodbye."

"I'm sure he'll pull through." She said. "And yeah, he's made a terrible mess of himself, but he's awfully strong, so must look on the bright side."

"Well... Parting gift." John said putting down his walking stick beside Sherlock's bed. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Oh, that's nice. A walking stick." She said.

"Yeah, it was mine from... a long time ago." John nodded as the phone on the bedside table rung.

"Hello? Ward seventy-three. Oh, uh, Doctor Watson?" The nurse said after answering the phone.

"Hm?" John asked.

"It's for you." She said. The nurse walked out and John sighed as he placed the phone to his ear.

"Hello, Mycroft." John said.

"There's a car downstairs." I heard Mycroft's voice through the phone. John nodded and sat the phone back down.

"I'll see you... ah... later then?" John asked me.

"Maybe," I replied. He left and I sat there watching Sherlock carefully. He took in steady breaths and exhaled slowly. Sherlock opened his eyes slowly and I squeezed his hand. "Hey," I smiled.

"Hey," he replied and cringed as he tried to sit up.

"No, no. Don't do that." I said quickly holding his shoulders back.

"You are scared."

"I'm worried... and scared. Sherlock, Culverton said he wants to put you..." I began and watched his eyes search mine and he held both of my hands in front of him. "In his favorite room," I added slowly. He nodded and pulled my hands toward him so I leaned into him. He pressed his lips to mine and cupped my cheek with his hand, that wasn't occupied by equiptment.

"Don't worry, Liz."

"I always worry, you're Sherlock Holmes." I smiled. He pressed another kiss to my lips when my stomach growled.

"When was the last time you ate?" he asked. "When you were with Tori," he answered himself. I frowned and he let go of me. "Eat. You can come back later," he said.

"No. Sherlock, I'm not leaving your side."

"Go. Eat." He demanded glaring at me.


"Don't argue with me right now Liz. Please, go eat. For me." He begged. I stood up when he grabbed my hand again. I watched him observe the ring on my finger closely. "You put it back on?"

"I love you Sherlock... I made a mistake-," I began when he pulled me back again and kissed me.

"I love you. Now, go eat."


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