46. "Drugged."

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I sighed as I paced around 221B. It's been a month and Sherlock still hasn't been back from some "amazing case" or whatever. There was a knock at the door and I turned to see Mycroft.

"Oh no. What did he do?" I sighed as Mycroft took a seat.

"I'll wait here, I suggest you do as well." He said to me. I took a deep breath and stood leaning against the table in the living room. About twenty minutes later, John came into the room, Sherlock next to him in sweats and looking like a disaster.

"Oh my," I said quietly.

"Well, then, Sherlock. Back on the sauce?" Mycroft asked and my eyes widened.

"What are you doing here?" Sherlock glared at him.

"I phoned him." John said.

"Oh, but neither of you could phone me! Or let along tell me what was going on!" I yelled. All of them froze and looked at me. I just now realized I have never lost my shit in front of any of them. Except for the few fist fights I had been in.

"The siren call of old habits. How very like Uncle Rudi – though, in many ways, cross-dressing would have been a wiser path for you." Mycroft said.

"You phoned him." Sherlock said to John.

" 'Course I bloody phoned him." John said.

"'Course he bloody did. Now, save me a little time. Where should we be looking?" Mycroft asked and my eyes widened.

""We"?" Sherlock asked.

"Mr. Holmes?" I heard Anderson's voice. I hadn't ever met him, but I could tell who he was by Sherlock's reaction.

"For God's sake!"

"I'm sorry, Sherlock. It's for your own good." Anderson said. I smiled at Anderson.

"At least maybe you can get through to him, apparently, I'm not enough." I snapped. Sherlock looked after me as I walked over next to Anderson and held out my hand.

"I'm Liz, Sherlock's girlfriend," I said. Anderson went to shake my hand when Sherlock stomped over, picked me up in his arms and walked me over to his chair. Sherlock sat down and pulled me into his lap.

"Oh, that's him, isn't it?" the woman next to Anderson said. "You said he'd be taller."

"Some members of your little fan-club. Do be polite. They're entirely trustworthy, and even willing to search through the toxic waste dump that you are pleased to call a flat. You're a celebrity these days, Sherlock. You can't afford a drug habit." Mycroft said. Sherlock kissed my neck and kept his head buried as he pulled his hood up.

"I do not have a drug habit." Sherlock mumbled.

"Hey, what happened to my chair?" John asked me realizing Sherlock removed his chair.

"It was blocking my view to the kitchen." Sherlock said.

"Well, it's good to be missed!" John said and I frowned at him as Sherlock nipped and left a mark on my neck making me pull away.

"Well, you were gone. I saw an opportunity." Sherlock stated sitting up a little straighter.

"No, you saw the kitchen." John said.

"What have you found so far? Clearly nothing." Mycroft said to Anderson.

"There's nothing to find." Sherlock stated. "This is not what you think. This is for a case."

"What case could possibly justify this?" Mycroft asked. I sighed and checked my watch.

"I have to get to work. Magnussen won't appreciate my tardiness." I sighed. I stood up and straightened my skirt as Sherlock locked his eyes on me.

"Please, take care of yourself before I get home." I sighed. Sherlock nodded and kissed me before I walked out of the room.

I entered Magnussen's office and I went around, printing papers and leaving them on his desk. The moon shone through the glass windows as I heard a notification come from the laptop on his desk. I clicked the camera icon to see Sherlock standing there with a smile.

"Sherlock! What are you doing here?!" I groaned in annoyance.

"Hang on – was that ...? That ...!" I hear John when Sherlock continues to talk.

"Hi, Liz. Go on, let me in." Sherlock smirked suggestively making me blush.

"I can't! You know I can't. Why are you here? You know if you need something you can ask me." I sighed.

"Don't make me do it out here. Not... in front of everyone." Sherlock said.

"Sherlock, what do you need?" I rolled my eyes.

"I... I wasn't expecting..."

"Come on up, you can ask up here," I rolled my eyes. I buzzed them into the elevator and frowned. Sherlock's suspicions are worth losing my job over. That may sound ridiculous, but it is. Sherlock entered from the elevator and I motioned to the office,

"What do you need?" I asked him quietly.

"Why are you being quiet?" he whispered to me.

"Magnussen is still here, why else?"

"He should be at dinner..." Sherlock began.
"Yeah, I don't really know who he's with or anything, he sent me out to get coffee not too long ago,"

"I know." Sherlock said and I eyed him.

"Oh you know, do you?"

"I do." He smirked at me before placing a hasty kiss on my lips and running up the stairs. John went to follow but I grabbed his arm.
"Stay here. Magnussen won't give Sherlock any information with someone else in the room. Stay here with me," I reasoned.

I sat on the desk knowing I might as well not continue to work.

"He stopped by the flat today when you left, Magnussen," John said to me.

"Really? How did that go?"

"He pissed in the fireplace."

"Ah hell," I sighed. Suddenly we heard a loud bang and a slow thump.

"Shit!" John muttered.

"Sherlock!" I yelled. I ran up the stairs, John following close behind.

"Sherlock?" John ran over and put his ear to Sherlock's mouth. I ran to his other side and grabbed his arm. "Careful Liz," John advised. "Can you hear me?" John asked Sherlock.

"What happened?" I asked Magnussen.

"He got shot." He stated back. I sighed and John flipped back Sherlock's jacket to see the pool of blood around the bullet wound.

"Jesus. Liz you might want to go downstairs-," John began.

"No, no way." I cried lightly. I didn't want to lose my shit now, that can wait for later.

"Who shot him?" John asked quickly. Magnussen doesn't reply as John pulled out his phone.

"Emergency. Which service do you require?" I heard through John's phone.


Now to kill of Sherlock and end the story orrrrr??? haha just kidding, maybe, I don't think I could do that. Could I?

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