69. "Sherrinford."

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I sat on the couch staring at Mycroft who stood in the doorway. Sherlock sat on his chair, his hands in the usual prayer position under his chin. John sat in his chair, across from Sherlock, twirling a pen between his fingers.

"You have to sit in the chair." I heard Mrs. Hudson's voice from behind Mycroft in the hall. "They won't talk to you unless you sit in the chair. It's the rules."

"I'm not a client." Mycroft sneered.

"Then get out."

Mycroft looked at them then sighed, unfolded his arms, and sat down.

"She's not going to stay there, is she?" he asked motioning toward Mrs. Hudson.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" She asked Mycroft.

"Thank you." He said.

"The kettle's over there." She said and pointed toward the kitchen. I smirked and so did John and Sherlock.

"So what happens now? Are you going to make deductions?" Mycroft asked.

"You're going to tell the truth, Mycroft, pure and simple."

"Who was it said, "Truth is rarely pure, and never simple"?"

"I don't know and I don't care. So there were three of us. I know that now. You, me, and... Eurus. A sister I can't remember. Interesting name, Eurus. It's Greek, isn't it?" Sherlock asked.

"Mm. Yeah, uh, literally 'the god of the East Wind.'" John said looking through his little notepad in his hand.

"Yes." Mycroft nodded.

""The East Wind is coming, Sherlock." You used that to scare me." Sherlock said.

"No." Mycroft argued.

"You turned my sister into a ghost story."

"Of course I didn't. I monitored you." Mycroft added.

"You what?" John asked.

"Memories can resurface; wounds can re-open. The roads we walk have demons beneath... and yours have been waiting for a very long time. I never bullied you. I used – at discrete intervals – potential trigger words to update myself as to your mental condition. I was looking after you." Mycroft said. I stood up and walked over to Mycroft placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Why can't I remember her?" Sherlock asked quietly.

"This is a private matter." Mycroft said.

"John stays." Sherlock said. I nodded when Mycroft turned to look up at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Liz stays too,"

"This is family." Mycroft hissed.

"That's why they stay!" Sherlock growled.

"So there were three Holmes kids." I said and John reopened his notebook.

"What was the age gap?" John asked.

"Seven years between myself and Sherlock; one year between Sherlock and Eurus."

"Middle child. Explains a lot." John said and I smirked as Sherlock eyed him.

"So did she have it too?" John asked grabbing everyone's attention.

"Have what?" Mycroft asked.

"The deduction thing." John elaborated.
""The deduction thing"?" Mycroft asked with attitude.
"Yes." John responded.
"More than you can know." Mycroft said.
"Enlighten me." John said. I walked over to Sherlock's chair and sat in his lap.

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