51. "PULL OVER!"

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2 Months Later

I smiled as I walked into Baker Street to see Sherlock stabbing his knife into a large pile on the mantle.

"If this gets any better, I'm gonna get two knives." Sherlock exclaimed. I laughed and looked over to John who was typing in his blog.

"It pays to advertise." John then said. I smiled as Sherlock took a seat in his chair and looked at his phone. Mary came over and was holding her back. Her bump was REALLY showing, but she was due any day now.

"So, what about Moriarty, then?" Mary asked.

"Ooh, I have a plan." Sherlock smiled. "I'm going to monitor the underworld – every quiver of the web will tell me when the spider makes his move."

"Basically your 'plan' is just to sit there solving crimes like you always do." John said.

"Awesome, isn't it?!" Sherlock asked as he jumped up to the mantelpiece and pulled off the first letter.


A week had passed and Sherlock was glued, sickly, to his phone. I looked over to see him sitting on his chair, phone in hand, and laptop on his knees. Mary sat in front of him in John's chair and John stood in front of me as I sat on the couch.

"Hopkins, arrest Wilson. Dimmock, look in the lymph nodes." Sherlock said.

"Wilson?!" Hopkins' voice came through the laptop.

"Lymph nodes?!" Dimmock added and I smirked.

"Sherlock..." Mary warned.

"Yes. You may have nothing but a limbless torso but there'll still be traces of ink left in the lymph nodes under the armpits. If your mystery corpse had tattoos, the signs'll be there." Sherlock said.

"Bloody hell! Is that a guess?" Dimmock asked as I walked over and stood behind Sherlock.

"It's never a guess with him," I smiled into the laptop and kissed Sherlock's cheek. He nodded and closed out of Dimmock's chat.

"Sherlock..." Mary said again.

"So he's the killer? The canary trainer?" Hopkins asked.

" 'Course he's the killer." Sherlock said.

"Didn't see that coming." Hopkins added.

"Hm, naturally." Sherlock responded and exited out of her chat as well. I looked over to John from behind Sherlock's chair.

"Sherlock, you can't go on spinning plates like this." John said. Sherlock then smiled and his mouth fell open.

"That's it! The place was spinning!" Sherlock smiled. I couldn't believe this!

Later that night, Sherlock and I had dinner. He began allowing to let things escalate as we went into our bedroom. I laid back and he hovered overtop of me when his phone rang,

"The heart medication you are taking is known to cause bouts of amnesia." Sherlock said after listening to the man for a few moments.

"Uh, Sherlock?" I whispered motioning between us. He hung up and tossed it on the nightstand before resuming kissing me. The phone buzzed again not even two minutes later and I groaned.

"Text me the images," Sherlock said into the receiver after listening to the man speak. They exchanged a few more words when Sherlock looked closely at the images he continuously asked the man to send.

"The fingerprints on your brother's neck are your own." Sherlock stated. He tossed his phone back on the bed next to us and that put me to a halt.

"No." I said sliding out from under him.

"No? No what?"

"The phone or me?" I sighed.

"What?" he asked.

"For a half-hour at least? Just me. No phone?" I sighed. He looked down at the phone and sighed. He shrugged and nodded to me as I took the phone and shut it down. "Now, c'mere." I smiled climbing across the bed and pulled him over me.


"A jellyfish?!" John asked laughing.

"I know." Sherlock responded as they walked into the flat.

"Gentlemen," I smiled at them, jumping up to greet Sherlock with a kiss.

"You can't arrest a jellyfish!" John commented.

"Well, you could try." Sherlock responded looking at his phone once again after pulling away from me.

"We did try." John responded then looked to his phone.

"Oh God." John said.

"What?" I asked worriedly.

"Mary?" Sherlock asked.

"Fifty-nine missed calls." John said.

"We're in a lot of trouble." Sherlock said. We all quickly ran out of the flat and down the stairs.

We got Mary in the car and John rushed us to the hospital. I sat in the front with John and Sherlock was in the back, still on his phone, as Mary was yelling.

"Ow! Oh my God. Oh my God!"

"Relax. It's got two syllables..." John said.

"I'm a nurse, darling. I think I know what to do." Mary said.

"Come on then, come on." John said.

"Re..." Mary and I both began.

"...lax." John and I both finished but she didn't as she gripped onto the seat tightly.

"No, just drive! Please, God, just drive! God, drive!" She continued. Sherlock peeked over at Mary and I glared at his damn phone.

"Sherlock, Mary!" John said.

"That's it, Mary. Re..." Sherlock began when Mary practically growled at Sherlock,

"Don't you start."

"...lax." Sherlock and I finished, though he looked terrified. May slammed her hand against the side of his head, pushing his face against the window. I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"John? John, I think you have to pull over." Mary said and I shook my head.

"Mary, we're nearly there-,"

"Mary, Mary..." John added with me.

"Pull Over!" She yelled. I noticed Sherlock look down towards her legs and his mouth fell open and his eyes looked the size of watermelons.

"Oh my God." Sherlock said. John glanced over his shoulder and pulled to the curb.

"This is going to be fun," I sighed.


That whole scene made me tense. Lol, well hope you love this. Comment and vote and stuff. It makes me happy :)

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