Renjun: Day 2

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Renjun: Day 2, The hotel room is so quiet, the fan stopped on the ceiling and the heat makes it unbearable to sleep. I guess it's not only the humid night outside, but the humid stickiness inside me. She's thousands of miles away with Mark, they're in bed naked, making it, I know they spend the nights like that. I went to look for love on a lonely journey and I can't imagine anything more than her body on his, in his, not in mine. I've never done it, it's all in my head, so why do I toss and turn, touch myself in the sticky humid darkness. She screams his name, diggs her nails in his back, but her body seems heavy on me in my daydreams, too heavy to allow me to sleep. I feel her, her hair carry his sweat drops, her face still red, her body trembling from his pleasure, still she's here, leaning over my lips. A phantom, and I can nearly feel her when I reach my hand out, when I close my eyes, lick my own lips, each detail I try to hold gets bigger while the rest of her fades and nearly disappears, when I feel her lips her hands can't be here, when her thighs tangle in mine her face becomes just air.

What would I do to be in his place even for one night. The delicate tingle on my sides, under my shirt and pants, it even brings a little pleasure, a tiny sour bit of sticky humid pleasure, still it opens up an abyss of pain,

because the hands that give it my body are too know, the climax is quick and empty, and when my body stops to shiver I'm still all by myself.

Thank you to everyone who's reading this story, I'd really love to hear back from you in the comments, to know if you like it, if I should continue writing it?

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Thank you to everyone who's reading this story, I'd really love to hear back from you in the comments, to know if you like it, if I should continue writing it?

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Much <3

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