Amy: Day 24

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Amy: Day 24, Today I got a report from Renjun. I guess after the long silence it felt strange to read his message. He said he's fine, he went to visit places.

'Can I change the subject of my reports, there is so much going on in London, I found a group of Chinese immigrants, I have plenty of interviews on their background, the way they're struggling with the low economy and endless job applications. The way the're so close to giving in. I also interviewed London based young adults, I'm starting to get the bigger picture. I know it's not our subject but it will be so much easier for me to write about something meaningful, maybe I could move something, help someone, at least make somebody see the problem. Please answer, Renjun.'

I closed the laptop and called Taeil. It was so difficult for me to an answer Renjun. We received the money for the book, for this subject, I couldn't give him green light for his ideas. Still I understood the way he was, love was the last think he wanted to think about. Maybe he could prepare the article and sell to a newspaper later, when the book is finished. I was so torn.

What would have happened if Mark had never appeared, had Renjun got a chance.

What would have happened if Mark had never appeared, had Renjun got a chance

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Much <3

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