Amy: Day 30

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Amy: Day 30, The university library was so crowded today. Taeil was smiling wide when he told me the news that had reached me first.

"Yuta and Sicheng got engaged, you had seen the photos today?" said Taeil and I nodded.

Sicheng had put up a photo online with him and the ring, he was on cloud nine, he has even sent out an invitation for the wedding to me even if they had nothing planned yet. Crazy people.

"Aren't you happy for him?" asked Taeil.

"It doesn't matter it won't change a thing between them they will be the same way lost in each other," I said slamming the book with Ancient Greek poetry shut.

Why have I ever agreed to write this stupid book.

"I've talked to Renjun last night, he also thinks the book won't happen," I shook my head.

"Come on, I guess you have it nearly ready," Taeil smiled.

"No, all I have is useless," I said.

"Let the readers decide about that," he was so calm.

"Taeil listen this is..."

"Hi," I saw this strange guy who had talked to me once walking along our table while he was winking to me and raising his brows.

"Oh no the creepy one again," I said opening the book quickly.

Taeil turned around and giggled.

"I guess he's into you," he said.

"He's perverted," I whispered leaning over the table.

Taeil laughed while I returned to the book when I felt someone's stare on me again, I cursed under my breath raising my head towards the library entrance and my stomach double jumped because the person looking straight at me was Mark. His hair was curly messy and he was wearing glasses what happened really rarely as he wanted to be 'cool'. He smiled walking straight to our table.

"Have you heard the news?" he asked stopping next to Taeil.

"Why aren't you at school?" I asked.

"Because it's so cool, I mean they're really going to do it," Mark raised his voice and I begged him to keep the noise down in the library.

"Ok we knew, now we know again you can go," I whispered opening the book for the hundredth time.

Taeil shook his head while Mark walked around the table and pulled a chair out next to me.

"What?" I asked glancing at him.

"Do you think they will invite us to the wedding," he asked excited.

"They already did," I muttered.

"Cool," Mark smiled, his hand caressed mine on the opened book.

"But don't get any stupid ideas because of that," I said looking at him.

"No of course not," his cheeks got red.

"He loves you," whispered Taeil from the other side of the table.

"Thanks I know," I said closing the book unable to read.

"Oh this is the lucky boy," I heard the same perverted guy speaking when he walked along our table again and winked to me.

"Hey don't wink my girlfriend!" shouted Mark and everyone including the librarian turned to him.

I wished to hide under the table from embarrassment.

"You're not going to this university!" I said raising from the chair and collecting my things.

"I do!" Mark turned to me his cheeks red while Taeil was very amused watching.

"No you don't, I will never finish school if you do," I said grabbing my bag and leaving while he was so stunned he stood there looking at Taeil he woke up moments later and ran behind me. The moment we left the library he grabbed my arm.

"I'm sorry but I was mad what was this stupid guy thinking?" said Mark.

"I have no idea what he's thinking if you're curious go and ask him!" I was boiling again.

"Sorry ok," Mark looked at me in fear. "I don't want to argue again," he added.

"So don't act like this!" I said starting to walk while he followed walking in some distance behind me.

We reached the car and he jumped on the passenger seat with his head low while I slammed the bag on the back seat.

I jumped in and took a deep breath. I could ask him to leave the car.

"What have I done wrong again?" asked Mark.

"I..." I took a deeper breath. "I'm just furious because of the book it's not going anywhere," I whispered.

"Oh," Mark's hand landed on my thigh.

"Don't bother maybe Renjun will rescue it," I said and Mark removed his hand.

"I don't like Renjun," he said quietly.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"You've nearly kissed him," Mark was talking with his knees.

"I didn't," I said.

"I know," he bit his lip and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"This is not going anywhere," I said turning from him.

The sun filled lawn was like in a different dimension than our problems, the continuum of the railway station is a different then the one of the moving train, Einstein's relativity theory was closer to real life than physics wished to be.

Or was it all in the laws of nature.

Mark kept quiet and I started the engine, we were't speaking at all when we got home.

Mark kept quiet and I started the engine, we were't speaking at all when we got home

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Much <3

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