Amy: Day 15

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Amy: Day 15, Midnight caught me one the runway when the plane trembled setting to motion. Yes I hate plane rides, still in that moment the things inside me were scarier.

Was I really running away, I chicked our to kiss just a boy. I seemed frozen the whole ride.

Taeil was smiling, he had this mischievous sweet smile when he noticed me. He grabbed my suitcase and kept quiet when we walked to the car.

"Have you kissed him?" he asked when he was driving through town and I was still wide awake despite the awful jet lag that should be here. But the clock was moving in a cruel way, I knew I will be late to prom.

"No," I muttered and Taeil smiled again.

He parked in front of the building, I ran to the flat.

It was the fastest prom preparation ever. I took a speed shower, I was doing make up while Taeil was drying my hair, I was combing when he was preparing thighs and shoes for me. Yes with his assistance I managed to finish in half an hour and I hoped I looked ok, when I ran our of the flat as quick as the high heels allowed.

We reached the car, Taeil started it then drove to the school, it wasn't far so way too soon I thanked him wishing him goodnight. I felt a little bit like Cinderella, late to the ball, but will Prince Charming wait? I hoped when I reach the gym, that was turned into a ballroom, a little out of breath.

The girls at the door looked my way one, a pretty blonde eyed me up with disgust. I've seen her before at the first bowling game Mark had invited me to, I had gotten the impression she was into him much, trying to flirt and be as much around him as possible.

"I thought she won't come," said the girl very loudly.

I ignored when I searched the room to find Mark talking to his friend, a boy with thick glasses. Mark looked good, a black suit, a white shirt and a nice tie, he smiled noticing me then then left his friend and the boy's partner walking straight towards me.

I felt heat, my toes seemed to dance in my shoes, what was only going on with me.

"Hi," whispered Mark rubbing his hands nervously when he stopped opposite me.

"I'm sorry I'm late," I said honestly but he just smiled wider.

"But you're here," his hand landed on mine, moments later we were in each other arms whispering sweet words and cuddling so tightly...

"Yhym, Mark you need to explain the king and queen elections," someone coughed so I turned around to see a boy with crazy red hair and an edgy suit.

"Sure," Mark straightened.

I knew he was class president, some important class person, I smiled to myself.

"You're famous," I muttered.

"Ah," he rubbed his eye.

"Go," I said and he smiled.

He let go walking behind the boy to the stage, was all nervous when he read out the rules of the voting while I noticed the blonde girl stopping close behind me with her group of friends.

"She's not pretty at all," she said so loud I could her her, and I laughed.

If I were her age I would probably be frightened and feel broken but with a few years more of life experience I just pitied her, it was the only hopeless way she could express her broken heart.

I thought about Renjun, I hoped he's ok, I had left him all alone next to a lake and I shivered. I sent Sicheng a text and begged him to call Renjun and cheer him up.

Letters to Love (Mark Lee)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя