Amy: Day 36

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Amy: Day 36, It was morning after a sleepless night during which I was going to the kitchen about twenty times and Mark was visiting the bathroom maybe even more, I was glad he left for school early as I wouldn't have stand being with him, watching how his morning hair was dripping on the sandwiches. Stop! I was still mad, wasn't I? I drove to the publishing house around nine, finished the article for a newspaper, wrote a review about a lady whose book had a chance to receive the Nobel Prize in literature this year, filled in some paper for my agent who was preparing a conference for the upcoming book and I was very tired of all this paper work when my phone rang. I picked up as it was Hinyang.

"Hi," I was truly hoping Mark was ok.

"Hi, I... I just wanted to remind you my birthday party is today," he said.

"Oh that, ah... what time?" I breathed in again.

So Mark hasn't fallen tripping over someone's foot and got a few bruises.

"Ym it starts at 9 p.m., I'll give you the address," he said.

I wrote it down thanked him and assured I will come as I had no plans for the evening anyway. Yes a loud teenage party was a good place, yes.

"It's way too loud I'm leaving Taeil!" I shouted to my best friend on the phone the moment I entered the house that was turned into the wildest club. Drinks spilled everywhere, couples making out in each corner on each piece of furniture. Great.

"Just find him and see if you like to stay than," said Taeil trying to get over the music.

"Are yo kidding!" I said because yes what if he... I trembled.

No I couldn't even picture it because my legs got weak and I knew I had to find Mark and see what he was doing. I watched each kissing couple with fear, each dancing couple, each sneaking out couple, and I inhaled when I saw the DJ boy with red hair I have met on the prom. He was leaning against the counter in the kitchen sipping a drink from a cup while he was talking to Hinyang. I inhaled more.

"I'll call you," I finished the call with Taeil walking closer till I saw Mark, talking to the boys in a circle and sipping a drink too.

He had a funny bienie on to a blue-grey hoodie his curls falling on his forehead.

He looked up at me and his eyes widened then he smiled. Hinyang turned around and waved.

I waved back, there was no pretending now so I walked to the boys, shook Hinyang and the DJ's hand. The sad friend who was in the cinema, wait how was his name, nodded to me.

I really had the bad habit to forget the names of the people I didn't find important in my life. I should definitely work at it. I stopped next to Mark leaned on the counter so close to him my feet tingled.

He lowered his head a smile on his lips. I could feel the tension between us.

"So how do you like my party?" Hinyang looked at me.

"Nice," I smiled.

I felt cold sweat on my neck was it really so difficult to sand next to Mark. No the difficult thing was...

"What's in it?" I asked pointing at Mark's drink.

He just moved it to my face so I smelled it, it was heavy.

"May I?" I asked taking it out of his hand. Ok let's ask Taeil to pick us up, wait me.

I took a sip it burned down my throat.

"I'm not drinking more than this one," said Mark seriously looking at me. "It has the aloe flavor very tasty," he said.

"I made it," the DJ raised his brow.

"Good," I drank another sip rather to calm down then gave it back to Mark.

"I can make one for you," the boy looked at me.

"No I'll be driving," I said slipping closer and Mark did too.

His hoodie brushed my arm.

"So I'm leaving outside," said the sad boy, he didn't seem in a mood.

"He broke up with Maueen," said Hainyang when the boy left through the garden door.

"Oh," I said, actually it was better for both.

They didn't love each other anyway, not like Yuta and Sicheng.

Mark moved so close I felt his warmth. I really started to swear inside. I was here just to say happy birthday to Hinyang and I had even forgotten about it.

"Ym Hinyang happy birthday," I muttered awkwardly.

"Thank you," he said and fixed his glasses. "Come outside the hottest part is starting in the pool," he winked walking out, and a few boys joined. The DJ stayed he was watching us with interest.

"Um in any case the basement is free," the boy smiled and placed a key on the counter then he left still amused.

"So I'll go now," I said turning to Mark.

"Oh," he looked at me.

His breath so hot on my face as he was so close.

"Yes so..." I bit my lips.

His fingers brushed my face.

"Please..." he whispered.

"What?" I asked when he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer our noses collided.

"Please... forgive me," Mark brushed my upper lip with his so gently all my insides caught fire.

"Mark don't," I whispered moving my face into a better angle so close to his our lips caught them stayed there for a longer moment, then moved back, I licked mine.

Why was I here again, allowing him to butterfly kiss me.

"Oh no," I heard  a voice and turned from Mark to see the annoying blonde girl, she stopped next to us and stomped her foot.

"Any problems there?" I asked when Mark giggled into my shoulder.

"Yes you!" she hissed turning around and walking off.

"Oh," Mark laughed loud, his cartoon laugh made me crack into laughter on his shoulder myself.

"She really has a lot of inner strength," I said and he fell on the counter laughing.

I shook my head. It was time to stop the nice stuff go home take the empty bed.

Mark calmed down he moved up his fingers moved up and down my hips when he cuddled his face into my neck his lips leaving wet spots.

"I will leave now," I said right into his ear.

"No," Mark shook his head sucking the skin on my neck deeply causing me to inhale to not to moan.

"It's not the way to make up," I said falling into his lips.

"No, how should I make it up to you then?" he asked pressing his forehead to mine.

"No, how should I make it up to you then?" he asked pressing his forehead to mine

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Much <3

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