Amy: Day 8

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Amy: Day 8, The light was faint, it must have been very early when someone rang our bell and I groaned turing from Mark who pulled me into a hug again.

But the noise continued so I rubbed my eyes.

"Who is it?" I whispered.

"No idea," Mark jumped up.

"Put something on!" I shouted behind him.

"Oh, u... You're right," he stopped walking and laughed loud.

He grabbed a pair od sweatpants and put them on quickly running to the door while I cuddled into the pillow, who on Earth is visiting that early.

The door crackled and I heard voices, Mark was talking loud so I lifted my head a little.

"That's impossible!" I heard a woman's voice and all my insides twisted, I knew this voice, it belonged to Mark's mother so I rolled over trying to get the sleep off me.

I needed to be quick, take a shower, dress up, look like a decent girl, if they were here, his parents.

"Please sit down," Mark was in the kitchen trying his best to pull out all his missing diplomacy.

"Where is she!" his mother raised her voice.

"She's sleeping," whispered Mark while I moved up and collected fresh clothes for the day from our wardrobe.

His parents, his problem.

"Sleeping? That late!" shouted his mum.

"It's early," said Mark.

"Let the boy be, look how tired he is," said his father.

"Tired? If he wouldn't be..." she inhaled sharply. "Doing what he's doing! By the way it's way too early for this! Mark, listen you're still a kid, still innocent!" she begged.

I can tell you how innocent he is, I laughed to my thoughts when  I bit my lips.

Yes he's as virginal as a vagabond who has tasted all the pearls of the deepest and most forbidden pleasures on land and sea, innocent like a playboy on a night duty.

Ok there was this side of him, still so boyish, so fresh, even childish from time to time, but it faded the moment he got his lips and hips working. He was a boy in life but a man in bed.

I couldn't stop thinking about his "innocence", the way he pleased me last night, his lips, their sweet taste, their soft wet feel, I was drunk from his love and it took me longer to wash as I began to touch myself imagining it were his hands.

I must have been red when half and hour later, with my hair done, my light make up and an ordinary black sweater to jeans I entered the kitchen carrying a t-shirt for Mark.

I bowed to his parents, muttered "Hello" and walked to him pressing the shirt into his hands. He was tense, nervous, his cheeks all blushed when he tried to handle the situation.

"Oh finally we can meet you," his mother moved up from the chair.

"It's a pleasure Mrs.," I whispered. "Unfortunately I need to visit my publisher and make it to the first lecture at university, so please have a seat and enjoy the lovely day," I said faking a smile. "Don't be late for school," I whispered kissing Mark's cheek briefly before I walked to the hall, grabbed the car keys and left the flat as quick as possible.

The afternoon came and I was walking through the mall with Taeil looking for a prom dresses.

"And I should really visit Renjun, he likes me," I said stopping between the hangers.

"Really?" Taeil smiled.

"What?" I became angry.

"Why do you want to got there?" he asked.

"To make a difference, to change my life, listen it might be a chance to start something meaningful with someone new," I said.

"Really?" he repeated amused.

"Taeil, don't you get it, Renjun is cute, he likes me, maybe more," I took a breath.

"And Mark is?" Taeil smiled even wider.

"What?" I asked feeling heat. „He... he... he..."

I walked out of the shop and sat on a bench inhaling sharply. Taeil joined me in a moment.

"Why are so mad, just tell me what do you like about him?" he asked.

"He is.... come on, you know it all. It's just desire, the way his laugh is funny, the way his ear bends under my touch, funny, the way he is just himself, a little clumsy and tiring, annoying sometimes, but so sweet and fresh, and needing, and his kisses, and body, you see I'm speaking about his body again, its's just I'm addicted to his body, just it," I finished.

"I asked about Renjun," Taeil laughed.

"What, ah," I felt a cold shiver. "Yes Renjun is smart, intellectual, his writing is deep, it's meaningful, he thinks about life, he is... nice, and well mannered, and a beautiful boy, has nice hair, nice eyes, yes," I shivered.

"Ah!" Taeil jumped up suddenly. "I think I found the perfect prom dress for you," he said walking straight to a shop and I glanced at him totally stunned.

 "I think I found the perfect prom dress for you," he said walking straight to a shop and I glanced at him totally stunned

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What do you think about Amy's meeting with Mark's parents? Will she fly to Renjun?

Much <3

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