Sicheng: Day 4

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Sicheng: Day 4, I'm so late with reports, we're crossing Switzerland in a fast train. The mountains, the lakes are flashing by, I love these speed rides, the comfortable place of the nearly empty compartment, two boys with bikes, who got out on the second station, an elder man with a newspaper, a lady with a book and a grandpa, who is telling her about the place we're heading to, the Italian part, where palm trees grow near to wine bushes.

I wonder if in fifty years time me and Yuta will be able to love each other equally much, maybe some of the physical fire will burn out, but our love will still be there, I hope. He's holding my hand, smiling, showing me a pretty bridge that speeds up and hides behind the next hill.

Little villages, lost on the ridges, waterfalls going down 200 meters high stone walls.

The rain lasts from one mountain to another, behind the next tunnel there's the bright sunlight. We will take a train down to Milano, go shopping, we argue about Rome or Florence, bue we will definitely visit Venice, I have planned something special, it will be our first anniversary. Yuta will you love me in 50 years time, because I will love you. You are the only one.

 You are the only one

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Much <3

Letters to Love (Mark Lee)Where stories live. Discover now