Sicheng: Day 41

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Sicheng: Day 41, The brilliant sunset made it all way too amazing, my hands sweaty in his, our hearts beating so hard from excitement. I wasn't afraid maybe just a little, I guess I was more amazed how it will feel like.

Probably the same, I laughed to myself and Yuta pulled me closer biting my earlobe.

"Um, we haven't said the blessing yet," said the man who was leading the ceremony.

"Sorry," I blushed, Sicheng control yourself.

So I moved a little from Yuta still we couldn't let go of our hands.

The sun was slowly diving in the waves making the sand and the guest bright like the golden and pink clouds. I was inpatient, my toes moving in the cool sand. We were dressed up nice, Yuta in a pretty shirt and black elegant pants me in a traditional shirt to expensive jeans. We didn't want to go for the casual suite and tie look, not in the ocean breeze and pastel colors of the natural background.

"I do," said Yuta, his voice loud and clear so certain when he squeezed my hand tighter.

I couldn't help but smile.

"I do," I said to all the vows and jumped up in the sand from excitement.

The ring was cold in his hot fingers, and my hand trembled a lot when I found my way on his ring finger.

He smiled wide, the ocean breeze played with his hair.

"You can kiss," said the man in a suit and I giggled.

I knew Yuta will be forward despite the audience. His lips tasted like the ocean the wind the fresh salty air the freedom of this spacious place. And it was the best kiss ever even if it sounds cheesy. It was the best for me.

We walked towards the tables holding hands while our friends were applauding and throwing blossoms over us.

I saw my parents and sister next to his parents and sisters, they were all shocked at first but now I guess they just accepted it, as long as I was happy as long as he was smiling so bright.

The guests crowded up in a long queue, bringing presents and nice words and we shook many hands kissed many cheek. I hugged Renjn longer than the other ones hoping he had a nice time at least a little. My little bro, I ruffled his hair and he smiled his lovely tooth showing.

Then one of my aunts pulled him to the side.

I was happy when the official part ended with a slow cuddle dance in Yuta's arms, I really felt embarrassed and feared of all the staring but he was there telling me quietly we look like idiots but adorable ones.

Everyone took place at the tables, the younger kids started to dance in the fading daylight while the little yellow lamps above us lit up.

"Come dance," Yuta pulled me into the crowd and kissed harder.

There was no one else we were just amazing weren't we.

It was an hour later when the darkness fell and we were talking to my sister laughing loud, me sitting on Yuta's lap and playing with his hair when we heard a rumor.

I glanced up to see Yuta's father and my uncle who were pretty tall pushing a man and shouting.

"What's up?" I asked jumping from Yuta's knees and he glanced this way.

His face became ghostly pale.

"Not today," he whispered letting go of my hand.

"Do you know him?" I asked and then it hit me it was too obvious.

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