Amy: Day 18

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Amy: Day 18, I was tangled into his body when I woke up in the morning. It was Saturday so we could stay in bed for longer, I only had a few lectures in the early afternoon, and he needed to record his show in the evening.

Sometimes I hoped he will be kicked out, winning meant he will have a busy schedule, females stalking him everywhere, trying to get into his bed and a teenager like him could easily bend. I shivered so he pulled me closer rubbing my back gently.

"I thought I'm warm," he whispered kissing my hair.

"You are," I placed my cheek on his chest, his steady heartbeat calmed me down, he couldn't know how easily I got jealous, ho much I trembled from doubts, that he will find someone better, and nicer, and prettier, and I...

I swallowed. The only thing that counted was right now, and right now he was here, right here, beside me, beautifully close and all mine, even if just for today....

"When I'm with you danger seems like a good thing," he whispered and I raised my head up.

Mark was playing with my hair strings his glance dreamy.

"What was it?" I asked. "A line from your song?"

"No, just, nothing," he looked away.

I wanted to ask him why from all people I'm not worthy to hear his songs but I jest left it, he wouldn't have told me anyway.

He pressed his lips to my forehead and I knew it was evidence enough, right now he was where he wanted to be.

"Nice day?" Taeil leaned to me when I was sitting in the canteen next to him.

I was a little late for the lectures so I was copying his early notes right now while he was eating some healthy dinner, yes Taeil enjoyed the healthy stuff.

"I don't know," I said feeling my morning doubts still cold inside, me like back there.

"Are you mad at him for it?" asked Taeil and I looked up.

"For what?" I shivered.

Has Mark cheated, done something, said something....

I muts have been really pale because Taeil giggled.

"You have no idea, oh, I put him in trouble."

"About what," my voice was shaky, but in this moment a tall guy that had two lectures with us came to our table.

"Hi, I'm Johnny," he said introducing himself. "You're the writer right, I mean you're a hot lady," he blinked. "So, just wanted to say it's cool," he rubbed his hair then left back to his table.

"What was that about?" I glanced from the guy to Taeil who was so amused he giggled into his salad. "Tell me!" I demanded.

"Oh Mark might have acted carelessly, but he's so madly in love with you, just don't be mad at him," Taeil became serious.

"What has he done?" I was clenching my teeth.

"He posted a photo online this morning," Taeil became red. "I, ehmn, it's artistic and no don't worry all intimate parts are covered."

I thought I'm not able to breath for a moment.

"He did what?" I was blinking and blinking, and finally managed to catch a proper breath.

Taeil stretched his phone towards me and I saw a black-white photo on Mark's Instagram account. All my insides twisted from embarrassment, and fire, and love, and heat, and longing.

It has definitely been taken this morning while I was still sleeping, a photo of us cuddling in our bed, his naked body covered by my leg on his hip only, the lower part of my butt visible under the unbuttoned shirt I was sleeping in, he had just placed the fabric over my breasts to cover them before he took the photo, and I was staring at it unable to get and actual opinion. Yes the shoot was sexy, and hot, and artistic, and... but it shouldn't be online, where everyone could see it.

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