Sicheng: Day 30

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Sicheng: Day 30, The smell of the sun, yes it felt like being touched by the light when I woke up in the bungalow, the waves so gentle outside, the nice air around me as the air conditioner was working.

"Get up and put something on," a gentle voice was in my ear while the hangover kicked me the moment I opened my eyes. Wow I've never been hangover before.

"I feel so bad," I whispered wincing.

"You will get better, it's jut the hangover babe," Yuta started to massage my back gently. "You were wild last night," he whispered and I blushed.

Yes I remembered pieces of all the dirty things we did, I bet there were more but blurred out. Unfortunately.

"Come," Yuta kissed the back of my neck then moved from the bed, I observed him, he was stunning, so perfect, the way he moved, the way he fixed his messy hair.

"Can I have you again?" I stretched my hands out to him.

"Later," he whispered teasing me a little. "I have a surprise," he jumped back on the bed and leaned down till he got enough of an angle to peck my lips, I kept his lips with mine squeezing them harder.

"Can't you give the surprise in bed?" I asked yawning in the kiss.

"No," Yuta ruffled my hair, he moved up and left for the bathroom, oh why was I too lazy to get up too strengthless to enjoy showering with him. I waited till he came back dressed in a sleeveless shirt and shorts.

"I'm waiting on the beach," he said walking to the bed and caressing my head and back gently. "Please don't let me wait the whole day," he said before he left the house.

I groaned, really, couldn't he just stay and cuddle till I will feel better. The room was spinning and I needed a moment to get on my legs, I walked like a koala in a trance till I found some clothes, a long sweatshirt, so worn out that it barely covered my chest and some white nearly transparent boxer shorts, ok, maybe I looked bad but I really hoped he won't let me stay outside the bed for too long, besides we were here all alone and he had seen all of me, kissed all of me so there was really nothing more to hide. I smiled to myself when I walked out getting over my tiredness and the heat. Yuta was walking up and down the beach he seemed tense when he observed the waves. I joined him and he stopped the cool water hit my legs and feet.

The breeze was messing our hair and clothes and I smiled to him.

"So, what's the surprise?" I asked hoping he will be quick as the sun was blending me.

Yuta shivered, he looked at me for longer till my smiled faded.

No he won't break up with me, right? No it's not possible we're meant to be, I felt sweat, fear, anxiety.

Yuta coughed, he moved his hand over his hair still it returned to the right position on his forehead.

Then he suddenly knelt on the sand taking my hand and placing something small and black inside it.

I glanced at him completely stunned, what was it about.

"Sicheng, you had told me you want to marry on a beach so I thought if I'll propose on the beach I'll have a slightly higher chance to hear a yes," Yuta shivered. "Dong Sicheng will you please marry me?" he asked squeezing my hand so tightly it nearly hurt.

I shivered.

"Wow!" I jumped from him covering my face with my hands while I was still holding the small thing, wait the box.

Yuta lowered his head, he was shivering all over while I was trying to process his words, has he really no it couldn't be true I felt tears, wow.

"I guess you don't," Yuta got up and I finally woke up from the shock enough to open the little black box. There was a ring in it, all round with two golden hoops and tiny diamond hearts in between them.

"Yuta, this must have cost so much," I whispered.

"I, I wanted it to be special, so I didn't care about the price," he whispered and blushed.

I knew he also struggled with money so he had probably paid his half year loan or more for the ring.

"It's, wow," I said watching it from all sides. "So beautiful."

"What?" Yuta looked at me and I shivered, was I really here talking to the ring when he was dying to know my answer, wow stupid.

"I love you," I whispered running to him and closing him in a tight hug and then it came to me, he has proposed and I squeaked into his shoulder.

"Is it a yes?" asked Yuta his voice faint.

"Yes!" I said jumping up and down and clinging to him.

"You let me struggle for so long," he pinched my side and I squeaked more.

"I love you so so much!" I was repeating cuddling into his neck and face, he had his problems to get the ring from me and press it on my finger as I was moving and jumping and kissing him all the time.

When he finally did I pressed my lips to his.

Yes it was official, he will be mine and only mine, forever, right.

I couldn't stop kissing him, so sober from the happiness, iiiiiiiiiiii, Yuta proposed to me!

I couldn't stop kissing him, so sober from the happiness, iiiiiiiiiiii, Yuta proposed to me!

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Much <3

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