Amy: Day 9 (part 3)

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Amy: Day 9 (part 3), The setting sun mixed with the sounds of people talking, dogs barking, kids playing football barefoot one the streets. I followed Renjun along the city center, to the places he loved so much, to a small house in which a lady, who came from Romania and searched for the silence here made a small restaurant for tourists. She served us with fresh rice, an avocado salad and grilled meat. I admired the warm softness of the colors around, the delicate breeze that mede the canopy above our heads flatter a little from time to time, the warmth, the mixture of exotic tastes and smells. Yes I nearly forgot how much I enjoyed traveling, exploring foreign places. Renjun smiled a lot but barely talked.

"It's nice, I mean... you can help me with the report," he said while we were sharing a bowl of fruit.

I've met Renjun on a young aspiring writers meeting for high schoolers, where I was invited as a guessed to talk about my books and a career in writing. He caught my attention with his brilliant questions so I had asked him to send me a piece of his writing. I was stunned of the maturity and quality fo his work, I called him, introduced him to my agent, and in a few months he was hired for an internship in the publishing house. He worked a lot, helped me with smaller articles. His deep analyzations and descriptions, his on point metaphor made him one of my favorite people to work with.

However we've never talked about anything apart from writing so now, when we were here in a private situation we struggled a lot.

Seven moths ago I made an interview with a teenager who had moved to the country I was living in to start a music career. I was writing an article about foreigners and the way they managed to adapt, find the new path, the new chapter. I couldn't ever forget that day, the sun in the gym where a teacher told me to wait on the benches used as stands. They didn't have any empty classrooms he had told me before he left to get the boy. I tried my best to not to feel bored, I had better things to do than interviewing teenagers, but there he came, tall for his age, nicely built, with dark eyes and dyed blonde hiar.

He had this sweet Canadian-Korean accent when he introduced himself with a firm handshake.

The teacher left us alone till the end of the lesson and I caught myself sweating all over under the boy's stare.

He was witty, charming, before we noticed the conversation drifted from the real subject to us exchanging numbers and inviting each other for a dinner, just to finish the interview.

He called me 'you' not 'Miss' before the lesson ended and when the teacher came in I barely had any notes, but was way too lost in the deep brown eyes in front of me.

It was awkward when we shook our hands goodbye, only to meet up the next day, and the next one. We had so much fun, he invited me for bowling with his friends, I suddenly proposed to drive him home and we watched each other in the car on his driveway way too long, my feet tingling, my insides glowing.

I couldn't make a move on him, he was underaged, but Taeil found out very quickly, he made Sicheng and Yuta invite me, Renjun and Mark to an old factory building to play some hide and seek game on Halloween. We divided into groups, Yuta with Sicheng, me with Mark and Renjun alone again, each was supposed to scare the others or catch them in the darkness, we only had our phone lights.

It was obvious Sicheng and Yuta will disappear in an abandoned corner to make out. I tried my best to be polite and not turned on at all, but me and Mark ended up in a big hall, heard voices, he took my hand dragging me into a small place between two walls, we turned the lights off and waited so close to each other our chest were colliding, his breath on my face, the sweat rolling down my neck.

His fingers tangling around my palm, my heart speeding up his lips touching my nose and lips.

I lost the sense of time and reality? it was just us, the deepest connection I've ever felt and the chaos in me stopped, there was just perfection when his lips became so real. I guess he had had girlfriends before because he could kiss, and how he could.

His tongue worked hard against mine, his hands moved up to my cheeks, a light fell on our faces and we jumped away.

I saw Renjun, Yuta and Sicheng, all three looking at us, Yuwin were winking to each other, but Renjun's face was ghostly pale, he just turned around and left, now I knew why, back then, I was too overwhelmed, when Mark told them to turn the light off then returned to kissing.

We couldn't part, we made out in Yuta's car all the way to my flat. We ended up cuddling on my bed in clothes, still way too pleased to let go.

Before we noticed wer were inseparable making out in every possible position and place, getting closer each day, undressing a little here a little there. He said he has never had sex before and I trusted him, we were so frightened to nearly wet our pants, both's first time, still it was beautiful, I couldn't imagine why it was more pleasure than pain, maybe because Mark was so delicate.

He really tried to make me feel comfortable although he was as frightened.

Spellbinding experience, that's what we had, we couldn't get enough of each other bodies and soon I proposed we could move in together. He just went to his parents and told them he wants to do it, and they somehow agreed, after long battles and fights. But Mark decided to share the rent, so because his parents weren't very rich we needed to find something affordable.

So to make him the man, who was spending his pocket money on the bills I moved out of my beautiful apartment and moved in into the flat with just two rooms a kitchen and a bathroom. I kept my apartment, it was right there, I could go back, live the luxury life of the princess in a penthouse, with her own maid, butler, and room service, still I've spent the past six month in the small space sharing everything with one teenage boy. With only two rooms we had to manage to clean, to make our mess, to keep our mess separate and together, to fit all our clothes in one wardrobe, to change work hours on one desk, to be polite enough to respect each other's need for privacy with just one bathroom, to cook even if he couldn't cook for life and I hated to cook for life, to manage my work and university hours with his school hours, my adult friends and his teenage friends, to fit his cologne and anti-acne products next to my cosmetics, yes sharing one bed was really the easiest part.

I looked at Renjun, yes he was a metaphor now, but he had his own mess, his clothes, and things, his routines, ideas, he wouldn't be so perfectly clean known from the physical way, the one I knew Mark from.

Still maybe someone else's mess was a little bit less messy.

Still in the milky twilight I really missed Mark's mess.

Still in the milky twilight I really missed Mark's mess

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Much <3

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