Amy: Day 7

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Amy: Day 7, Mark was at the recording and I was in a cafe downtown, I called Renjun as his silence scared me. He picked up so I saw the background of an aesthetic lake, that was picturing the sky and seemed perfectly blue.

Renjun was sad, his face got skinnier, his eyes seemed in a depth of sorrow.

"Hi," I said and he nodded. "I'm worried you're so quiet, what have the Indians said?"

He hesitated.

"I wasn't speaking to them much, I'm rather here, all alone walking along the lake for hours," he whispered.

"Why?" I trembled.

"I went to look for love all alone, and Sicheng, yes where is he?" asked Renjun.

"Last time he reported he had a date on a gondola with Yuta in Venice, I guess he's enjoying it way too much," I whispered.

"See, they don't need to look for love they have it, it's just changing places with them, and you... You have it too," Renjun looked from his phone screen.

"I... No I would give so much to be were you are, it was my wish to make a lonely journey around the world," I said honestly.

"And mine was to... to make a journey with you...oh!" he pressed the call shut while I stayed there, frozen in the crowded cafe.

So Sicheng's wish was to stay here and enjoy his calm time with Yuta.

But Renjun, he... I shivered. There was someone, someone like me, someone so sensitive, so beautiful, someone whose reports went so deeply underneath, someone who could understand me fully, and I had no idea he really liked me.

I placed my phone on the table, clenched my fists, why was I here, I was supposed to look for love, I should take a plane to this beautiful place and meet him at the lake, try out the possibility that had opened.

Hours later I was in Taeil's house leaned over a computer screen the flight tickets in front of me, but I still couldn't press book and confirm.

I decided to do it in the morning and suffer through the night, I was one mess when I reached the flat, I opened the door, walked to the kitchen where I stopped shocked. There was a whole supper waiting on the table, candles, and flowers, nice dishes while Mark had a shirt to a tie and jeans on, he smiled when he saw me.

"Ym..." I froze in the door.

"I hope it will be ok to eat I tried my best," he blushed.

I blinked, has he really cooked? Yes he wasn't very skilled in cooking, actually not skilled at all but at least he had tried. I hoped we won't get poisoned.

"What is it about?" I asked walking to him.

"Oh it's because you're doing so much for me, and you're supporting me," he said pressing his nose to mine.

"Ah," I still couldn't say it.

"And... I wanted to make it special to have a bigger chance to convince you to go to prom with me," he said and I felt my stomach turning.

"What?" I laughed.

Have I heard right.

"Please go to prom with me," he begged looking at my face with hope.

I bit my lip smiling to myself.

"With pleasure," I whispered leaning to him and pulling him closer till our lips were melted so nicely.

"Really?" he got away from my lips for a quick breath. "Yes, yes yes!"he started to jump, lifted me up and placed me back one the floor and I laughed loud.

"You're acting as if you had won a million dollars," I joked.

"I won a million dollars, I'm going to the prom with the most beautiful girl," he grinned.

"You're so," I shook my head but he pulled the chair out for me and I giggled sitting down.

I observed him how he tried o play the noble waiter placing everything on my plate, soon we were smiling to each other from above the plates.

I tried the first dish and coughed loud, yes it was awful, Mark was nearly choking on it himself.

"Next time it will be better," I whispered and he laughed. "I'm so useless," he shook his head.

But the potatoes were a little raw still eatable and we laughed loud eating it.

We had a bowl of raspberry jelly pudding for dessert so we dipped our spoons in it. It was good but it was an instant and he was able to do it right.

"We will finish this in bed," I whispered getting up, taking the bowl to the bedroom.

Mark followed.

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What do you think about Renjun having a crush on Amy? Do you like Mark's prom invitation?

Much <3

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