Amy: Day 20

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Amy: Day 20, I woke up and I needed a moment to realize there was a warm hand around me. I shivered, I had returned to the flat very late, took a shower, found Mark's gray t-shirt to my shorts and laid down around 4 a.m. I heve never heard when he came back, not even felt him getting into bed next to me. I watched his still boyishly chubby wrist hanging lazily next to my face.

I turned to him feeling his breath on my nose.

His eyes were closed and I knew he was pretending.

"Mark," I said but he didn't move an inch.

"Mark, what are you doing here?" I asked louder, no reaction.

"Mark," I pinched his cheek he still refused to move.

"Mark I know you're not asleep ok," I said and he sighed opening his eyes, I saw his fear.

"Please don't leave," he whispered closing his arms around me tightly.

I took a deep breaths. I was so mad last night and he just pretended nothing had happened. That he could easily lay here just so and hug me.

"Mark you know it won't work like this, you can't make it better by being nice," I said.

"Why?" he asked kissing my cheek.

I tried to form it into words.

"Babe, do you know why I left last night?"

"Yes," he said quietly cuddling his face to my cheek.

"You do?" I asked unconvinced.

"Yes because I started to talk about the forbidden subject," whispered Mark, I felt how he trembled.

"Ah," I let the air out.

"I know you never want to have children ok, I know it and I'm not sure if I will ever want or not, it's too far away for me," he said honestly.

"How do you know that?" I asked, we have never talked about it.

"Isn't it obvious, we're using double protection, you prefer to sleep in pants next to me, you never touch my underwear, you double check every condom we use, you still get nervous after each time, and each month when you get it you relax a little. I know and I really try to do my best to make it as safe as possible so please don't be mad. I have never thought we could, I know we're clever enough to not to. Just... sometimes I'm scared too it's normal, isn't it, we're doing it a lot," he became very red when he was speaking into my neck.

I shivered, he was a clever boy, he counted one and one together without me noticing and I caressed his hair.

"It's true, I'm afraid too, a lot, probably even more than you because I have the burden to be a woman," I whispered.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you yesterday," he said.

"Ok," I said.

"Ok, means we're good?" he lifted his head and smiled.

"I guess," I said so he pecked my lips gently.

"I can make you breakfast," he said jumping up.

"What the constant menu?" I laughed.

"I can make a variety of sandwiches toppings," Mark grinned wide when he ran to the wardrobe, took his black sweatpants and put them on.

I stayed in bed while he turned to me, his smile wide.

"Don't move, my princess will get breakfast in bed today," he blinked leaving the room while I shook my head.

I placed the pillow up and leaned at it while I checked my phone.

There was a sweet photo of Sicheng and Yuta cuddling in the plane and one of them on LAX.

'We landed safely, will bring you a shell from the Pacific coast I know you miss it, Sicheng'

I smiled reading his text, I'd love to spend a day in the serenity of the Malibu lagoon again.

I scrolled through my messages till another one caught my attention.

'I caught the plane to London at 12:53, Renjun'

I shivered, so Sicheng got him to move from this cursed village. But before I could think if repeating will be a smart move the door opened and I saw Mark who was carrying a tray and smiling so wide.

"Oh, Oh, baby listen..." he rapped so I raised my brow.

He placed the tray on the bed and jumped on it climbing over my lap.

"It's gonna be long ass ride," he said leaning over my lips.

"Really?" I looked at him trying my best to not to burst out with laughter.

"Really, but I'm cute," he grinned catching my lips in his.

I really shouldn't be so weak, allow him to do all this things to me, but I was too addicted to his kisses to complain.

I really shouldn't be so weak, allow him to do all this things to me, but I was too addicted to his kisses to complain

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Much <3

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