Amy: Day 14

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Amy: Day 14, The day of a decision came way to quickly, unexpected, it found me unprepared while I was still between minds. The sane part of me wrote to Taeil, told him to inform Mark tomorrow I won't come to the prom. Yes it was the sane part.

The day crowded and Renjun seemed tense, he knew my plane was soon, right after midnight.

Before we could notice night feel and he asked me to come to the lake, the moon was sharp, the surface mirrored all the stars and it seemed like in a fairy tale, not a destroyed factory building and two cold walls in the darkness, but a scenery from a movie. The delicate sound of the waves touching the shore, the bright summer night, the all so romantic silver moonlight.

Renjun was tense, straightened, he pulled the too long sleeve of his bright pink sweater. He tried to dress up nice, made his hair. He stopped on the beach and I found a place right next to him. I could feel his fear, it seemed to caress the surface of the lake with an invisible force. He was slightly shorter than me so delicate, his hands and wrists a masterpiece, his eyes and features another one, only Sicheng could reach higher with visual perfection. So I concentrated on this pretty, on this amazing fluttering breathtaking beauty, the thing Mark has never had, never will have, handsome but average was all I could say.

I shivered.

" you," Renjun stuttered. "I was dreaming about you since we've met," he added a little desperately.

I tried to breath steady but I became his fear. It made me cold and freezing inside despite the warm air around me.

"And you came and I... Please kiss me, I have never had a kiss and I will be awful but please kiss me," he whispered.

I trembled, yes the first kiss, always seemed too scary for me before it happened, in a lightless place in an old factory, Mark had no idea he was the first one in everything.

I didn't want him to know. Renjun could accept such things as broken by love and lonely, as insecure about himself and his doubtful beauty in his own eyes.

He raised on his toes closing his eyes moving closer, I felt his breath on my face like a warm breeze, his smell so different from the one I knew, his body heat getting nearer each second.

My eyelids fell but my heart started to scream.

I jumped back suddenly and Renjun opened his eyes, he was very pale.

"I'm sorry," I whispered running away, leaving him there while I was running up the hill, I've never stopped till I reached my hotel room, the clock too dangerously close to 10 p.m.. I called the guide, told him to get a fast car while I was packing in so much speed, ten minutes later the room was empty and I stormed the reception.

The guide came hurrying to me and I pushed him to the door, I was barely breathing in when I jumped on the backseat with my suitcase.

I hurried the driver up using the little Spanish I knew and soon I was running through the terminal to the check in, I made it in the last minute before they closed the gate.

I hurried the driver up using the little Spanish I knew and soon I was running through the terminal to the check in, I made it in the last minute before they closed the gate

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Much <3

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