Amy: Day 282

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Amy: Day 282, After a sleepless night I was so over when I glanced over my empty apartment. I decided to set off in the evening as Renjun wanted to meet me and I needed to say bye to Taeil.

I chose to make the harder thing earlier, so with the first twilight I placed the suitcase with my most personal things in the trunk and drove to Taeil's house. He was waiting sitting on the front stairs. He jumped up when I closed the car door and walked down the gravel driveway towards him.

We stopped, both took long breaths.

"So..." said Taeil.

"So?" I whispered.

"We will stay best friends no matter what ok," he pulled me into a hug and I cuddled into his shoulder.

"Yes we will," I muttered.

Taeil had taught me that friendship is more important than love it's precious, the most meaningful.

It can survive all the storms of life it's still there despite distance and heartbreaks.

"Taeil you're the best, the best ever," I said quietly.

"Take care of yourself over there ok, and let me know about everything, and remember anytime you need me I'm here for you, it's just one call and I will cross the country for you," he said through the tears.

"I've never deserved you," I said looking away from his face.

"Come on, we're a team," he brought my hand to his lips and kissed it.

I felt like cracking down. All my walls shuttering.

"I just..." he went a little red.

"What?" I asked.

"Wish for a happy ending for you," he said.

"Taeil you will find love, I believe you will met the most lovely and amazing person who will love you with all her heart, who will make your eyes and heart focused," I whispered caressing his soft hair.

But it's not me, I said in my mind.

"Thank you, yes there's still a little hope for me," he said. "I have a lot of hope in life left."

"That's great, once you meet her let me know," I was hugging him unsure when to let go.

It meant another step of moving on.

And then when I was ready to part from him I felt his breath on my ear.

"Get him back you two are focused," he whispered quietly.

I shivered something tightening in my insides and I needed to run away.

How could Taeil tell it? How?

I moved from him, walked like drunk down to my car. I wasn't looking at him when I drove out of his garden far away from him.

I was still frozen from the sudden pain Taeil has caused me when I walked towards the Chinese restaurant with the lit up windows through which I saw the back of Renjun's head. He was sitting at a table for two waiting patiently and I took all my courage together when I opened the door walking straight to him.

"Hi," Renjun's eyes glittered.

"Hi," I said sitting on the empty chair.

"I think it's the right time to give it to you," he moved some papers towards me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"The ending of the book, the thing I had found out in Palermo, you will be happy with it," he smiled.

Yes back then he had sent me a short report but it was just a few sentences about the Italian sun.

"What have you found out," I asked.

"Read it," he sat back calmly.

After all the ups and downs we returned back to being friends, like me and Taeil. There was no hope for me, maybe there in this new chapter new city, new people. Would I be able to trust any guy ever again? I trusted Renjun and Taeil because they have never let me down.

But the rest...

I opened the papers reading through them quickly till the part where I felt burning fire inside me...

It was midnight in an hour I should have been on my way to the new place for an hour now but I was here on the drizzle covered street leaning against an closed shop widow thinking hard. I had left Renjun half an hour ago after the deepest conversation I have ever had.

He had really managed to find it, the meaning of love.

And yes it made sense from us three Renjun had the biggest chance to find it as me and Sichneg yes we were focused like Taeil had said while Renjun's eyes were free.

Free to see the whole picture. I took my pen out of my pocket while I was watching a lonely elder lady with and umbrella and a cat that as sneaking hiding from the rain.

I dialed a number I hasn't dialed for ages, I really hoped he hasn't changed it.

"Hi is that really you?" I heard the known voice.

"Hinyang?" I asked.

"Sure, um I'm shocked you're calling," he said.

"I'm shocked too to be honest," I felt my throat tightening. "Listen I just need to ask you one thing..." I started hoping I can put it into right words as none seemed right.

" I started hoping I can put it into right words as none seemed right

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Much <3

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