Amy: Day 37 (part 3)

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Amy: Day 37 (part 3), She nearly cried out loud when she saw us she glanced around like a captured animal, grabbed her phone tighter.

"Please sit," I said pointing to a chair as the headmaster was quiet.

She seemed shocked, moved to us and took the third chair but not before moving it further from me. She glanced at Mark and her eyes glittered from hate.

"Please put you phone on the desk," said the headmaster with and angry tone.

"No!" she squeezed it tighter in her hand looking at us in fear.

"Sir, can I talk to her privately?" I asked and the man glanced at me.

"Oh... ok," he whispered raising from behind his desk.

He left his office followed by the stunned teacher and a very insecure Mark.

The door closed and I turned to the girl, I felt anxious. I knew I'm the last person she wants to talk to yet be alone in a room with.

"Go ahead yell at me!" she shouted.

"Why?" I asked still calm, I was surprised myself.

"Yell at me tell me I'm a stupid bitch!" she started to cry.

"I don't get it why are you doing... I mean I get it to be into someone and stuff but this is a little too much don't you think?" I asked.

"It's easy to tell, you have everything!" she shouted.

"Everything? What do you mean?" I asked buffed.

I barely believed there's a living being who had it all.

"Mark," she whispered.

"Mark equals everything?" I was shocked. "Come on you don't mean it, he's just a boy."

"How can you say it, you see you don't love him!" he shouted.

"How do you understand love then?" I asked.

"What!" she swallowed her tears. "I love him. I love him more than anyone ok."

"Why?" I asked.

"What do you mean why?" she was trembling.

"Why is someone you don't know at all, you have never even had a real conversation with so important?" I asked.

"Because I know he's perfect ok, and beautiful, and so handsome, and so famous, and perfectly perfectly perfect," she started to hyperventilate while talking.

"Take a breath. I'm living with Mark for nearly 7 months now and I can honestly tell you he's just a boy. His socks smell, his only cooking skills are sandwiches, sometimes he gets angry for no reason, he can just sleep with his back turned to me because he had burned his butt accidentally, lately he got angry, packed his stuff and moved out. He came back hours later still it's very nerve wrecking. And he hasn't shown me his songs for months, and I found out he's writing from his mum, he's sweet too, he can be very lovely, but don't fool yourself, his morning face is scratchy, he can keep his dirty clothes on the carpet for days, and when he gets too much school work he complains for hours, my exams, my homework my double eyelid," I smiled to my thoughts, he was pretty cute when he was complaining, still so tiring.

"What?" she was looking at me her face red and swollen from crying.

"Trust me he's just a boy, and when I'm with him I still feel pain, and insecurity, I'm still afraid to take the subway at one a.m. I actually got new fears, like the fear of losing him one day, the fear we will get apart, one of our arguments will be final, he will fall for someone else, or just get bored, the fear he will grow up and I have no idea if I will like his grown up self as much as I like the teenage one. That he will get sick or hurt, and when he's sad I suffer with him, I'm worried when he has his casting show his exams, when he isn't home late, when he's so tired, hasn't eaten much , had no time to sleep, the list seems endless. If this is everything..." I felt my vision getting blurry.

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