Amy: Day 10

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Amy: Day 10, We were on a trip in the mountains, our guide was talking all the time, that's great because none of us did. I got the report from Renjun few minutes ago in the hotel room and I had been reading through it, yes we're perfectly close in the written word, we could be two long distance lovers in the XVII century, make couriers to deliver our letters to each other through mountain chains, borders and deep dark forests.

Yes our correspondence could cause writers to create a sad song about unfulfilled love.

Funny, the way I had no will to knock to his door and ask him to go downstairs, play billiard or drink late night tea.

We could maybe connect, two lonely people, a dim light, slow latin music from the old piano, a round small table with two simple chairs, a candle between us.

I could ask him to dance, he's probably too shy to dance with a girl, I guess.

So I got up, fixed my haird and lipstick, walked down the corridor and stopped with my fist at the wooden door.

What should be the reason to dance in the milky steamy candlelight of the restaurant downstairs - desire, interest?

Why was I picturing someone else taking my hand, someone whose firm chest I knew way too good and wished I could cuddle into in a slow dance, into his shoulder, his neck. My body began to burn and I moved a few steps back. I came here to escape from him and all chances were there, a boy who wanted me behind this door, why was Mark haunting me.

I inhaled walking back to the door ready to knock, drag Renjun downstairs and press him to a wall, kiss him just to convince myself I could escape this hopeless relationship.

But I returned to my room, laid down defeated and called Mark through my messenger. He picked up quickly his tried face appeared on the screen, he was in our bedroom lying too he was dressed as I saw him wearing a t-shirt in bed, the morning light was in the room while he rubbed his eyes.

"Hi," he whispered.

"Hi," I placed the phone on the duvet.

We watched each other for a long time, none sure what to say next.

"So is it nice?" he asked.

"Yes, I had a long trip today but the mountain views were amazing, I can send you pictures," I said.

"Ok, I'd love to see, your photos are always so good," he smiled. "But not now right?"

"No," I shook my head.

"Five days," he moved his hand up. "Five days and you're here again."

"Why are you sleeping in your pajamas," I asked and he laughed.

"It's no fun to sleep naked without you," he became red and I raised my brow.

"You're so perverted."

"Always," he moved his finger out and caressed the screen causing me to look away.

Soon we were talking quietly and time flew so quickly none of us noticed till he jumped up shouting that he's two hours late for school.

He started to run around the house packing his books while holding his phone.

"Babe you're in your pajamas," I said when he grabbed his backpack minutes later.

"Oh!" he looked at himself placed the phone on the desk and I had an amazing ceiling view while he was dressing up quickly.

His hair was messy when he grabbed the phone again, his school uniform on one arm the shirt unbuttoned the tie open.

"Mark calm down," I whispered.

"I will finish in the bus," he whispered. "I have a math test today I can't miss it," he ran to the door.

"What about breakfast?" I asked.

"Oh, next time," he stopped at the door.

"Take some money from my drawer and buy yourself some breakfast on the way," I whispered.

"But?" he went red.

"You'll give it back from next month's pocket money, ok," I said calmly.

"You're an angel," he said sending an air kiss towards the phone screen.

I laughed when he ran to the drawer showed me how much he took and hid the money in his pocket. He ran back closed the flat, double checked the door then started to walk towards the elevator.

"Don't miss the bus," I said. "Have a nice day and tell me how the test went, ok?"

"Ok," he said. "Have I a nice night, I love you," he stopped at the elevator door and waved to the camera.

"Bye," I waved back but the screen darkened.

My heart was racing, my insides all warm, why was it like this, I hugged the pillow cuddling into it. Was it even able to break up when my body reacted with so much missing every time I saw him.

My mind would quit it any time if it hadn't been for the longing. I turned in bed.

 I turned in bed

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Much <3

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