Amy: Day 28

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Amy: Day 28, I woke up to see the nice sun light. I glanced at the coffee table to find a steaming tea cup and a plate with happy sandwiches on it. Mark was sitting on the carpet opposite to me observing me in a sad way.

"Hi," I muttered sitting up.

He bit his lip.

"Is this breakfast for me?" I asked.

"Yes," he muttered to his feet.

"Thank you," I said getting my legs off the couch.

I wrapped the duvet around me and he looked up at me.

"So... my mum.... told you to not to touch me or something?" he asked quietly.

"What?" I laughed.

"Am I disgusting now?" he asked raising his voice.

"Mark what are you talking about?" I asked.

"You just slept here, first at Taeil's, not here not with me," his chin was trembling dangerously but he didn't let the tears out.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I played it cool.

"Why?" he shouted jumping up

I bit my lip. What should I say.

"Maybe I needed a night without you," I said and he trembled.

"Why?" he shouted again.

"Mark stop acting childish," I was speaking to the plate.

"So now I'm too young for it right! What has my mum told you that I'm a baby and still shit my pants!" he was shouting louder.

"You know she didn't," I shook my head.

"So why. Do you, do you.... do you hate me?" he asked his tone filled with fear.

"Mark," I looked at him his face was very red. "I.... I don't hate you ok," I said.

"Nice way to show it," he ran to the bedroom and slammed the door shut.

"I need to walk through this room to get to the bathroom!" I shouted to the door. "You know that!"

Why was I so mean and heartless, because he was mean and heartless lying to me. I hid my face in my hands trying my best to calm, why did it felt like cutting through me each sharp word I said to him. We couldn't be that connected that by hurting him I was hurting myself.

We weren't talking and he left early, so I took some longer time to get ready. Why was I really willing to go to the show, but Hinyang called me and asked if he should wait in front of the building so I made up a time with him. It was dark when I stopped the car behind the studio. Mark's best friend was there as promised and we needed to show our ID's to the security before we got vip passes and were lead to a top stand with a good view on the jury and stage.

"I will be so nervous," said Hinyang fixing his glasses. It turned our we were the only ones invited from Mark's side, the others next to us were families and friends of the other contestants.

I started to bite my nails, was I really ready to hear his songs, what if he was awful, what if his lyrics were weak. Will I care. Was he ready to show them to me especially after our morning argument. Should I be h...

The lights went down and the jury members appeared, they took place, the audience went wild, soon the contestants came and sat on a stand on the other side of the room. I noticed Mark he was sticking out with the blonde hair and blue bienie. He was biting his lips all the time his leg shivering.

"Relax," Hinyang breathed in next to me as if it could help Mark.

The lights became brighter when the MC's introduced today's battles and duos, and I caught Mark staring at the stand I was at. He lowered his head and bit his lips more.

"Oh he's so nervous," said Hinyang darkly.

"You're not helping," I whispered.

A bald shaved boy went out first, his opponent was a short one with a sleepy gaze, both started to rap but really didn't impress. They got a low score but the audience was supportive. The quality of the performances went up and soon a boy with long earrings was on stage.

"He's Mark's top concurrence," whispered Hinyang leaning to me.

Yes the guy was good and I hoped Mark won't fall into pieces from stress when the lights went down again, then up and the MC said his name.

He got up rubbed his hands in his jeans took the microphone on the way. Hinyang stopped breathing next to me and I felt my heart is speeding up, why was I so nervous, I really hated him after our early morning conversation, still I felt as scared as if it had been me out there while the DJ gave a catchy beat and Mark started to bounce to it on the top of his sneakers.

 Hinyang stopped breathing next to me and I felt my heart is speeding up, why was I so nervous, I really hated him after our early morning conversation, still I felt as scared as if it had been me out there while the DJ gave a catchy beat and Mark...

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Much <3

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