Amy: Day 3 (part 2)

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Amy: Day 3 (part 2), We decided to leave the party early as Taeil got very funny so we escorted him to my car, then to his house, but he told us to stay and take the guest bedroom. I hesitated, still he lived in the suburbs and I was so tired, it seemed absurd to drive back through the whole city center, so we agreed. Maybe Taeil needed someone to be with him, especially as we needed to help him to get to his bedroom, as his legs barely carried him, Mark stayed and helped him to change into his pajamas. He got some clothes from Taeil for himself and me while I found a beautiful victorian times styled bedroom with a wooden bed, gray walls and a crystal chandelier in the middle of the room.

"His house is so big," said Mark walking in.

"Yes," I muttered.

I left my high heels on the floor and watched my little toes having red bruises.

"He's nice and funny, I know why he's your friend," said Mark sitting on the duvet next to me.

"Why?" I asked.

"You're both beautiful inside and outside," he smiled.

"Thank you, why are you so nice suddenly?" I asked.

"You stayed even if you could easily go, you... you made sandwiches for me today," he blushed hard. "I feel like home..." he took a deep breath.

"Stop, ok!" I felt heat inside me.

Why was he so cute from time to time.

I placed my head on his shoulder.

"Change into something comfortable you need to rest," I whispered kissing his cheek.

"Ok," he got up, grabbed the sweatpants from Taeil then walked to the bathroom.

I changed into the bigger t-shirt over my underwear while he wasn't there, not that I would mind, we knew each other so well, it's just he really needed sleep not another night filled with lust.

But he came back in a towel only and moments later he threw it away slipping under the duvet.

"Taeil had given you clothes," I laughed caressing his back.

"You know I can't sleep in clothes next to you," he became red.

He laid on his belly and looked at me through nearly closed eyes.

"Night," I whispered getting up to switch the light of the chandelier off then found my way in the nearly dark room till I was next to him cuddling into his back.

"Night," he whispered taking my hand in his.

Was it just the physical thing, the addiction to his body, the thing that kept me here, I could have it with others, I thought when I pressed my lips to the back to his neck. And others could also be so comfortably nice and warm, with skin so soft, he has only started to grow facial hair a few months ago, and I teased him a lot about the fur he kept along his cheeks, but I understood, he really wanted to grow up, to make silly things, to show me he's a man, young, very young, but a man.

A psychological book I've read based on fairy tales from middle ages said a man needs to become a man first, getting through a lot of difficult and painful phases, starting from stealing the key from his mother, escaping to the woods with a wilder. And he had stolen the key when he moved out from his mother's house and moved in with me, while the savage's sign was the fur on his body, so the hair he was so proud of was the start of the next phase. I smiled to myself.

I accepted him the way he was, sometimes so sweet, sometimes so tiring.

"I didn't like the way this strange guy was looking at you," whispered Mark with a sleepy voice.

"I didn't like it either," I pressed my lips to his shoulder hiding my face in his neck.

"Oh," he turned his body to me.

He had no idea what to say, his lips moved to my nose and collided with it leaving a wet spot. His lower lip brushed my upper one.

"Sleep, or you won't be able to wake up for school tomorrow," I whispered.

"Ym..." he was still there, so close to my face, his lips caught mine again. "There's a casting show, can I go?" he asked.

"It's your decision if you want to go," I felt my heart speeding up.

"I could show my songs to more people," he said.

"And I will finally hear them?" I looked at him and he closed his eyes.

He was very secretive about his songs, the guitar sounds faded whenever I closed the door of our apartment, and I watched him scribbling something in his song diary a lot but he never showed me anything.

Ok I have also never told him about the purpose of this book, the reason why Sicheng and Renjun left for they journeys and I stayed.

"Maybe," he smiled to himself. "If the song will be good enough."

"Ok then, now sleep," I whispered.

"Ok, love you," he kissed my lips again and turned around getting in the comfortable position with his back cuddled to my body our fingers intertwined.

I felt something glowing inside.

Why could Renjun sent me his beautiful reports and he, my boyfriend, wasn't able to share even a piece of his song with me.

Why could Renjun sent me his beautiful reports and he, my boyfriend, wasn't able to share even a piece of his song with me

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Thank you to everyone who is reading and supporting this story.

Why do you think Mark doesn't want to show his songs to Amy?

Much <3

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