Amy: Day 38

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Amy: Day 38, I've just asked Mark to go to the conference with me, we packed one suitcase and left for the airport, and he held my hands in the plane what made me more afraid, somehow. We landed and I was way too happy to be on the ground again. The organizer took us to a pretty hotel where we got a spacious room with a king size bed.

"I want a bedroom that will fit a bed like this one day," said Mark throwing his shoes off and jumping on the mattress.

"Yes if you win the show," I raised my brows.

"Come on," Mark blushed.

He was sitting there holding a pillow and looking at me with puppy eyes.

"What do you want?" I whispered walking to him.

"Sex," he said biting his lip.

"Mark stop it it's the middle of the day, we've already arrived," I laughed.

"Can't we do it in the daylight?" he grinned.

"I need to work at the conference speech," I said sitting next to him.

"I can help," Mark moved to me his hand dived under my shirt and I felt him caressing my sides.

I heard Taeil's words in my head, you should show him the book.

What will he think, break up with me tell me I'm obsessive like his classmate.

"I can help later after a little..." Mark bit my lip. "69 for example?" he said his tongue lying on my neck.

"Mark, have you drunk something in the plane?" I asked looking at him.

"No," he smiled and I felt his hand moving the zipper of my jeans open.

"So why are you so naughty?" I asked.

"Because I miss you," he said honestly again, his fingers were in my underwear and I felt a shiver.

"Mark I really need to concentrate on my speech. Besides we're her together so how can you miss me?" I asked.

"I need you closer," he lifted his black hoodie and threw it on the carpet.

His curls were sticking in all directions and he looked messy sweet.

I actually wanted to prepare the speech learn it, maybe visit the city but he was undressing completely till he was sitting next to me truly honestly naked and trying to remove my shirt and jeans.

"Ok we can leave the clothes and cuddle but I still need to do my speech," I said.

"Yes!" Mark jumped on the bed from happiness while he removed my shirt and I giggled.

He was so naughty lately, and for a moment I felt scared it meant he's growing up again.

My jeans followed the rest of my clothes and Mark pressed me to the mattress kissing wildly.

I needed to stop him as he made me feel turned on and longing and we slipped under the duvet cuddling so close his skin so comfortably warm, the midday sun falling into the room and giving me an awkward sensation it's ridiculous to waste the day on sexy time.

I took my phone laid my head on Mark's shoulder and read through my speech, I felt his gentle moves down my spine in my hair, on my arm.

I had no motivation to get up and when the sun was setting we called the room service but barely dressed up when we were feeding each other some fruit and ice cream on the bed. But it was one of these days, ok another one of these days when I needed Mark so much we couldn't part. We took a long bubble bath together, returned to the bed and I decided it's time to work for real so I slipped into my shorts and his t-shirt what caused him to protest a lot.

"I really need to learn the speech," I whispered sitting on the bed while he was cuddling to me trying to remove my shorts little by little.

"Mark," I hit his hand.

"You can learn the speech naked," he said.

"No I can't focus," I said honestly.

He stopped removing my clothes but tried to kiss all around my thigh reaching further up till I needed to stop him again.

"Mark really, do I disturb you in your homework?" I asked.

"I can't focus much because you're always in my mind," he said honestly again causing me to blush. "69?"
he begged.

"No Mark I barely believe this position is pleasing," I said.

"Why, we've never tried it," he moved up from my leg.

"Yes because it seems creepy," I said placing the phone on the bedside table. "Should I make a speech about my teenage boyfriend's creepy needs?"

I glanced at him and he blushed harder.

"We can try it if you won't like it we can stop," he said his eyes all burning still I shook my head.

"But you're doing it to me a lot," he said his cheeks very red.

"Under the shower," I whispered glancing from him.

The sky became completely dark outside and I still had no courage to show him my book.

"Mark go for a walk or something," I said looking at him.

"What are you afraid of?" he asked.

"That it will be bad or disgusting, I want us to have happy memories with each other," I said.

"What if it will be cool?" asked Mark.

"Why is it suddenly so important?" I looked at him.

"Ah i just... want to try it out," he bit his lip again.

"Why?" was this discussion one of the million of pointless ones.

"Because the boys were talking about it lately and they asked me if I had ever done it with you and I didn't want to be the loser so I said yes. Theoretically we had done it separately, yes, so I can relate, and now they're jealous of me but I'm not so jealous of myself, if you know what I mean."

"Mark I'm not going to fulfill your creepy wish so you can burst to your friends about some intimate details from our lives," I said.

"Mark I'm not going to fulfill your creepy wish so you can burst to your friends about some intimate details from our lives," I said

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Much <3

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