Amy: Day 25

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Amy: Day 25, The doorbell brought me out of an online conversation with Taeil so I said bye and closed the laptop walking to the door. Has Mark forgot his keys, lost them. I opened and froze noticing Mark's mother on our door mat, she inhaled deeply.

"Mark isn't at home," I said coldly.

"Oh it's ok I just came by to leave some apple pie for both of you," she lifted the thing she was holding.

"Please," I opened the door for her, she walked inside scanning the living room. But she never said a thing about Mark's opened books on the coffee table, his socks in the middle of the carpet, the cookie package we had finished yesterday but left on the couch, my jacket and sweaters on a chair, my glasses and Mark's lenses case between bubble gum papers.

The regular mess.

"Please put it into the kitchen," I said trying to be as nice as possible.

She left her shoes in the small hall and walked right. She placed the wrapped up cake on the counter then turned to me.

"Actually I came to talk, to show you I'm not the bad one," she said.

"Mrs. Lee, Mark will be probably late, I guess he's playing football with Hinyang and the boys, and they will definitely lose to the sophomore year guys again," I said and she smiled.

She had something very similar to Mark in her smile, I shivered.

"Oh Hinyang's a lovely boy," she said. "He was visiting us often."

"I know. He invited me to his birthday party," I felt blushes.

Were we really talking about Mark's best friend.

"Would you like some tea Mrs.?" I asked.

"Oh, don't bother," she said while I pointed towards a chair and went to heat the water up.

It was super awkward but she stayed silent and I filled two cups on the table, some sugar, spoons, teabags. I had many different tea flavors in my collection and Mark enjoyed some too.

"So do you have any friends?" she asked and I shivered.

No Mrs. no one likes me just Mark, I giggled to my thoughts.

"Yes, Taeil is my best friend," I said pouring the water into her and my cup.

She tensed while I sat down concentrating on the things happening inside the cup the water slowly changing color to reach orange brown.

"And my second best friend Sicheng is a writer like me. He wrote two very beautiful books with poems and essays, you can check it out Mrs.," I jumped up and ran to the living room grabbed Sicheng's 'Midnight's wishes,' book 1 and hurried back placing it on the table next to her.

"Oh, um..." she had no idea what to say. "Yes I'll read it thank you," she said hiding the book in her bag. "So your friends are boys?" she said looking at me.

"And?" I asked. "Taeil is a sweet nerd, Mark really likes him a lot and Sicheng, Sicheng is gay," I said and she made a strange face.

"Do you have other friends?" she asked and I felt cold sweat on my back.

"Not that close ones, these two are the most important for me," I said looking into my tea, I couldn't tell her about Renjun.

"Yes I know what fascinates Mark about you he was always scribbling something down," she shook her head.

"Yes the songs," I whispered.

"Not only songs, books, after books, he wanted to be a science fiction writer his whole childhood," she said and I felt like if someone had pumped the whole air out of me.

I tried not to give it out.

"I guess he still writes to his drawer," she shook her head. "Now he wants to become a musician, I hope he will succeed it's a better career than some scribbling," she continued while I was still there frozen to the chair.

Mark a writer? What? How? Why? Never in a million years.

The door opened and closed and moments later Mark walked into the kitchen then stopped. As expected he was sweaty, his shirt dirty, mud and grass strings hanging from his hair.

"Mom what are you doing here?" he asked in shock.

"Oh honey I came to bring you and your girlfriend an apple pie I made, and she was kind enough to invite me for tea," his mum jumped up.

"Oh," Mark looked at me while I took a breath.

"I really need to finish something important tonight, can you please help yourself Mrs. It was nice to talk to you," I got up, bowed down, passed Mark grabbed my jacket and the car keys, my shoes.

Moments later I was out, inhaling some freedom outside the flat.

I walked to the garage sat in the car but wasn't able to start the engine. Mark a writer. And he has never ever mentioned.

I moved the key, needed to concentrate badly as it was hard for me to drive, I guess it was a miracle I reached the house far from the city. I walked out, knocked and moments later Taeil's face appeared in the door.

I jumped falling in his arms sobbing into his shoulder while he was very stunned but hugged me.

I jumped falling in his arms sobbing into his shoulder while he was very stunned but hugged me

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Much <3

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