Renjun: Day 20

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Renjun: Day 20, I can't believe it's day 20 of the journey, the gravity of light seemes different, it absorbs each space around me but omits my soul, and Sicheng is leaving today with Yuta. Still I found my strength to drive to the airport with them.

"Don't go back to the village, I have your suitcase," says Sicheng when we stop in the terminal.

"What?" I'm so shocked.

Yesterday Yuta gave me a small piece of paper with a phone number, a name and an address. He said she's his friend and I should go talk to her, so I just took it and thanked.

"Please, you will sink inside your pain up there," begs Sicheng.

I don't know what to say. Yuta taps my shoulder in a manly way.

"He will manage," he says and I'm somehow reminded of my grandfather who had always told me I will stand all obstacles of life.

I know why Sicheng needs Yuta, he's manly and strong, he takes care of him and Sicheng is more fragile than a girl, he's like a flower, he likes to act careless and cute, and Yuta needs a girl but is afraid of females so Sicheng is the perfect match.

"I'll think about it," I say.

"But?" Sicheng's eyes fill with tears. "We can't leave him here all alone, he's so small and cute," he looks at Yuta, big puppy eyes and I know Yuta would easily melt, but he catches my glance and knows better, so he pulls Sicheng into a hug whispering something then dragging him away.

I know Sicheng is worried, he turns to me a lot of times, I get my suitcase rolling till I reach a free bench.

The table with flights changes and I watch the 'London 12:53' appearing at the bottom of it.

The table with flights changes and I watch the 'London 12:53' appearing at the bottom of it

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Much <3

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