Chapter one

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Cruise to destiny
Part one

Norman POV
Man, I need to slow down and rest, but as they say no rest for the wicked. I left Shadi with the bulky items I got from Hawaii, man I wish I was still there, it was nice unfortunately a working holiday but the company was good, same with this cruise but it's not for pleasure, these cruises have been fun for the past couple of years should be even more so as Jeffery's here as well and damn the two of us get together is always trouble. I board and people are going nuts, I should be used to it but it's crazy, especially since I'm on a boat there's no escape. Several hours later Sean collected me and we headed to where they were doing photo ops girl after girl was hugging me and they didn't do much for me I mean there were a few hotties here that I might get Sean to hit up some of the prettier girls and scope them out for me. Then it was onto the meet and greets, then there were hugs, presents, and signing until my hand got sore, and then the next girl was talking to Sean.

"Pick out whichever picture you want." She walks towards me and she is different curvier and looks like she has something for me.

"Hi, I'm Norman."

"Hi, I'm Rosanna."

"So, Rosanna what would you like me to sign."

"Oh, I'm not a fan of the show."

"Good thing you are on a Walking Dead cruise, then isn't it?"

"I'm not here for me I've never watched the show. I'm here because of my mom. My mom brought this ticket it was her dream to meet you and the rest of the guests here."

"Oh, shit did your mom pass?"

"Yes, my mom died ten days ago. And she wanted to be here to meet you." I couldn't help myself I came around and hugged her.

"After she brought the ticket for this she was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and she so wanted to be here. But she passed. I couldn't cancel the ticket for here so I thought I might as well come, also I have this for you, my mom was determined to give it to you." She hands me a gift bag. I look back and there is a queue but I think I need to talk to her.

"So, can I ask how you are? Your family how are they coping?"

"It's just me. my dad died when I was little. I'm okay I'm glad mom isn't in any more pain but you know I miss her. Not looking forward to going back to work but hey kind of need to."

"What do you do?"

"I'm a baker, I do wedding cakes and cupcakes in Atlanta. But I've been in New York for the past six months."

"Nice me too. So, did you want an autograph?"

"I guess. Which should I choose? Maybe this one with the cat. It's cute and reminds me of my cat." I grab the picture there's something about this chick, and I act rashly and flip the picture over and write my phone number on it. I give her another hug lean in and say 'Call me' she has this shocked look on her face and walks away. I had no idea if she would call or not but I forgot about her as I went through the rest of the line of fans, but noticed she was standing in Jeffery's line I looked as if she was crying again and he was hugging her.

Rosanna's POV – a week earlier

I did try to get a refund on this ticket of Mom's but they wouldn't refund it so I guess I am going on a cruise for the weekend before I have to head back to Atlanta, to start work it'll be so strange as I had been looking after mom for so long watching the only family member I have die and there wasn't anything I could do. I was surprised when I got home one day there was a box and a card on it, it had my name on it. I took it inside and opened the letter. 'Dearest Rosie, if you are reading this then I know I have passed, don't feel bad sweetheart I'm not in any more pain, I think it has hurt more watching you watch me than the pain I've been through. I want you to enjoy yourself on this cruise I know you'll babe wear these clothes I think you'll look amazing in them but I always thought you did. Baby enjoy the trip for both of us.' I opened the box it was from Nordstrom and inside were several dresses, underwear, bikini's hell Mom I've never worn a bikini before and shoes. I decided then and there that I was going I owed it to my mom she gave up a lot to be my mom and she was obsessed with this show because it gave her pleasure. The day arrived and I boarded the ship damn women are going nuts as I board and I heard 'Norman Norman Norman' that must be that guy with the crossbow. I looked at my schedule I have photo ops I am kind of excited to meet Jeffery Dean Morgan I love Grey's Anatomy and I cried when he died, Mom seemed to buy photos with everyone, I can't believe how much mom spent but I know how much it meant for her to do this. So, I decide that I will wear this multi-colored high-low dress, which I was surprised fit and made my boobs look good, it's about the only thing I like about myself. I make my way down and I am waiting in line and get photos with Norman, Ross and I might have cried when I had my photo with Jeffery, and then it was onto signing I had to go get the bags that Mom had done for Norman I don't get the obsession she had with him but hey I guess she was a sexy woman. I waited my turn as the women in front and behind me were getting excited at their chance to meet Norman. I was talking to his manager I knew him I had seen him several times on Blu-rays talking about some of my favorite horror movies. We had a quick photo together and then I was waiting for my turn with Norman. We made small talk when we met and he said it was lucky I was on a ship for The Walking Dead I explained that I was here for my mother and I could tell he felt really bad about saying that and came around and hugged me I couldn't help myself and I smelt him he smelt so nice and clean, manly and I must say the feel of his chest against mine sent shivers down to my nether regions that I haven't felt in a long time, he asked me if I wanted a signed picture and I said yeah I'd have one of him and the cat reminds me of my cat who died last year I swear I'm a bad luck charm. He grabbed the photo and signed it I was distracted by seeing who was next to him and it was Jeffery, the next thing I felt Norman hug me again and whisper in my ear 'Call me' no way was he talking to me must have been a woman behind me, I took my photo and headed to Jeffery Dean's table and I met him, I was telling him that I am a fan of Grey's Anatomy and his death made me cry doesn't happen very often, unfortunately, he didn't have anything from that show to get signed so I just picked out a Negan photo and he signed it and I got another hug as he handed me the photo I noticed something on the back of the other photo a phone number, maybe that's what he meant by call me, no he couldn't possibly want me to call him, I'll do it later or should I? I decided to head back to my room and get changed into one of the bikinis mom picked out and damn mom but I guess I can wear it. I grabbed a towel and my phone and headed to the pool area.

Norman POV

After a long-ass day, I was relaxing lying down after having a shower and drinking a beer. When I heard my phone buzz it was probably Ming, it was an unknown number.


Okay, which crazy fan is this? I decide on something crazy maybe it might lead to something tonight, I could use some attention.

**Hi yourself. Who am I talking to?**

**I could ask you the same thing. My name is Rosanna. I am messaging the number on the back of this photo. Who is this?**

**Ah Rosanna I remember you. This is Norman.**

**Sure it is I bet he gave some fake number and this is like his bodyguard.**

I had to laugh and decide on something crazy.

**Do You have Facetime?**

I got the number and hit the Facetime button and I think I got a hard-on as soon as I saw her, all I could see were her boobs and face.

"Hi. You weren't lying."

"No, you're near the pool? You want to find somewhere else to talk?"

"Oh, okay hang on can I call you back? This whole Facetime thing isn't me I mean I'm me but I'm a Facetime virgin. Unless you want to walk with me to my room, I'm on one of the upper decks. Hang on. Hold the lift."

I was surprised when I heard it.

"Anything for a pretty lady." Dammit, it's Ross I swear.

"Hey, Marquard don't even think about it."

"Lady what level?"

I watch her pull the card from her top and stifle a laugh.


"You have been to the pool?"

"Hey, man what do you think you are doing I'm talking here."

"Oops sorry, I have a phone call you're Ross right I met you this afternoon."

"Hey, Ross."

"I swear I can hear Norman Reedus talking. Can you?"

"Oh, sorry yeah he's facetiming me. Norman, I have your number I'll call you back." She hangs up on me.

"Well, I wonder if she'd be up for anything?"

Rosanna POV

"So, you are seeing Reedus huh? Good luck with that he has like a girl in every port more or less." The doors open up to my level and I step out.

"Highly doubtful he was just being nice because my mother died recently. Men don't like fat girls like me." As the doors start to close Ross stops them.

"Then you've been seeing the wrong ones because looking like you do most men would. Not all men like bones some of us love a nice juicy rump."

"Well, that's me for sure curves and then some. Thank you, Ross have a nice night." I walked back to the suite and decided whether I'm going to call him. He's probably only after a shipboard fling but is that a bad thing? I mean I haven't been laid in so long that I think I have forgotten what a dick looks like.

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