Chapter 43

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 43

Rosanna pov

We finally arrived at the Getty's house and I must say it was beautiful. A butler takes our bags and shows us where we'll be staying.

"Excuse can we have another room? I don't like this one. The sun'll wake you up Rosanna and you need your rest babe I want you resting and relaxing but it won't happen in this room."

"Mr. Reedus we won't be able to until tomorrow as this is the only room ready to stay in."

"Norman, it's okay we'll make sure the curtains are closed and if I do wake up I'll rest okay."

I can see Norman's agitated about something but I don't know what. The butler leaves us and there's tension in the air.

"Are you okay babe?" I start to remove things from my bags.

"Honey, you might want to just take what you need for tonight okay? I'm stepping outside for a bit."

"Norman are you okay? What's wrong? Have I done something?"

"No babe not you. Relax okay. I'll be back."

Norman POV

I hope this was accidental that Balt told them to make up a room and not that particular room that's where Diane and I stayed the last time I was here. I don't want to stay in the same bed that I slept with an ex in on my honeymoon some fucking honeymoon this is turning out to be.

"Hey Norman, did you finally arrive at Tuscany?"

"Yeah, we did. Can I ask if was it an accident? That I'm in the same room as last time."

"Well, I knew you liked that room and I thought she might as well."

"My wife has a name and it's Rosanna. And no, I don't like it. Is there a problem that I don't know about? I thought we were friends Balt hell we've known each other for years."

"Man, shit's going nuts you don't know. Hasn't anyone talked to you?"

"Kind of on phone blackout wouldn't be calling if it wasn't important."

"Well, Diane..."

"Fuck her I don't care."

"Yeah, you might she tried to kill herself. Did a pretty good job. Took pills and slit her wrists."

"Fuck, oh well that was her choice I didn't force her to do that."

"Well nice attitude, I thought you liked her?"

"What makes you think I did huh? I fucked her that's all and she wasn't even that good. Am I sad? No Balt, she made the choices she did she could've done what others that bitch Jackie asked had done and said no but her precious career meant too much. I didn't force her to kill herself I have more important things to worry about. Is that why you put me in that room like her doing that's my fault?"

"Rosetta did it she and Diane are friends and she's pissed at you. Thinks it's your fault that she did that."

"You know don't worry I'll find somewhere else to stay. You know we've been friends for how long? Fifteen years man and this is what you do to me? I thought Rosetta liked me as well."

"I am but man you fucked up. Didn't you think having all these fuck buddies would hurt you? Then you what marry some random who we've never even met. This has a lot to do with you, man. I can't help if Rosetta's pissed. Hell, if she knew we were talking she'd kill me. She didn't want you and your wife staying there."

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