Chapter 3

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Cruise to Destiny
Chapter 3

Rosanna POV
I was slowly coming back to earth from the best sex I have ever had, I have no idea what my name is if you asked me. I think I thanked Norman god who does that? So, stupid but then I heard him say it was all part of the Norman experience, I like that he has a silly sense of humor like me, we kiss as he slips out of me and I feel empty I've never felt this way sex was well just sex, this was amazing. "Oh, fuck Rosanna I don't know what happened." I see the shocked look on Norman's face.

"What happened baby?"

"It broke I swear, I'm safe. This hasn't happened before."

"Norman, it'll be fine. I doubt even you're that good."

"Are you on anything? Maybe there's a doctor here."

"No, I am not and I highly doubt that there's a doctor on board. Norman you just slipped out of me."

"Well, I don't know you Rosanna and well I don't want or mean anything to happen. We might never see each other again. I'm meant to keep you and myself safe."

"I know but I'm a good person I've only been with two other men not including you as I said I'm clean. I had a blood test seven months ago, and it included standard STDs. You know it'll be fine Norman. My life couldn't be that unlucky, could it? I probably shouldn't have kids I was supposed to get fixed up so I couldn't but what with mom and all I forgot to do it."

Why am I telling him this fuck he doesn't want to know that? Stop talking for fuck's sake.

"Can I ask why? I mean not that I want kids I mean I've been meaning to do the same thing but something keeps stopping me I guess just not having the time to do so you know. I mean my son's seventeen and well I'm not getting any younger." I snuggle up to him drawing circles on his chest.

"Well, I think you look amazing how old are you 45?"

"I wish I'm 48 can I ask how old are you? You can't possibly be over 35. Also, why not have kids I mean you aren't bad looking and you're nice I think you'd make a kid a cool mom it'd have the best birthday cakes. Like that Star Wars cake that was cool as fuck babe." He kisses me I like kissing him.

"Well, a lady isn't supposed to say. I'm 31 I'll be 32 in July. I'm worried that I could pass this cancer gene onto any kids I have I mean several of my grandparents and my mom all died of some form of cancer. Well isn't this great post-sex talk? I'd understand if you wanted to leave and find someone uncomplicated that the rubber doesn't break on."

I roll away from him and I expect him to get off the bed and leave the room and all I have will be a throbbing pussy from where he fucked me, but he surprised me when he rolled over and spooned me.

"Do you mind if I stay I want you again, if you think this was a one-time thing then you're sorely mistaken. I'm sorry, that we have this issue. I'll look after you whatever happens." He trails kissing on my shoulders.

The Next Morning

I wake up feeling Norman sucking on my nipples and I feel his fingers circling my clit. "Hmmm, morning Norman. Aren't you tired? Didn't I wear you out?"

"No, I'm good to go. Are you?" He slides his fingers inside me and tries to kiss me, I move away. "What's wrong?"

"I have morning breath."

"Yeah and so do I, not that I care, and if it smells babe I have to say it might be my fault."

"You're so disgusting. I got to get up I have to go pee and I'll be right back."

"Be careful there might be a killer in there." I shake my head.

"You're so sad Reedus so sad." I do my business and brush my teeth despite what Norman says I can't kiss him with bad breath I suddenly hear.

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