Chapter 47

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 47

Norman POV - Wednesday

There's been a massive outpouring of support for us from our friends and family when we advised what's wrong and that I'm pulling out of all convention appearances for the foreseeable future. Rosanna was surprised by getting messages from Helena, Joana, sonequa, Melissa, Lauren, and Shari they all sent her messages after asking me for her number and sent messages asking her how she was and wanted to know could get together when she was finally in Georgia. The doctor said that she would be slotted in for surgery on Friday.

I was surprised when I heard that Rosanna was stepping out I tried finding out what she was doing but she wouldn't tell me what it was. I guess I'll just have to wait for her to tell me when she's ready to, she never tells me anything, like she doesn't trust me or thinks I might control her. I explained to Ming what was happening and he's just as worried as I am, the stress of this is affecting me, I'm so worried about my wife that she might die and I don't want that to happen. We tried fooling around for the last few nights and well George wasn't having a bar of it even Rosanna sucking him didn't work. I apologized that it happened and Rosanna said it was fine and rolled over but who knows she keeps a lot inside. On an interesting side note, my lawyer got back to us about the adoption application we had sent in and the agency wants to meet us. I told him to put it on hold as there's no way we can even think about adding to our family with this diagnosis. He said he'll take care of it. However, he did say we shouldn't postpone it too long as they'll take our names off the register and we'd have to start again with a new fee so I said to tell them we won't be available until August at the earliest. We must've been crazy to want to adopt another baby into our family. I hung up the phone and saw Rosanna walk through the front door.

"Babe, you going to tell me what you've been up to?" She looks better than when she left.

"Oh, nothing you'll just have to wait and see. Don't you trust me? Also, I went to my lawyer today and changed my will. But the other I asked a friend of yours if they could do something for me and today was the only time he had."

"You know we have no secrets between us. I don't keep things from you I expect the same from you. I thought that was the plan clean slate and no secrets but you don't tell me anything."

"It is a surprise can you just trust me? I called a friend of yours and asked him if he wanted to do something for me and I wanted a memory of me before I get more scars and look bad."

"Okay Missy I'll trust you but you should've told me about going to the lawyer and changing your will that's important babe."

"I wanted it done in case something happened to me." I watch her sit down opposite me. "Norman, I made my will having Destiny as the sole beneficiary of my estate. She gets my share in the shop, and everything I own and well the money I have on top of whatever portion she gets of yours that is."

"Rosanna this is something we should have done together as a couple but it's the right decision."

"I didn't think Ming needed anything as he inherited from you and Helena. Though I have put in there that Hilarie and James have joint custody of her should something happen to you if I die? Well, I didn't think you needed an opinion on the shop just as I have none on your business. Same with the money I have it's money I've earned."

"I wouldn't have picked them to see this is why we needed to talk. Neither of them is family and I would want family raising my daughter. Of course, you have an opinion on my finances."

"James is family to me. Also, Hilarie is more of a backup to him if he needs a woman to help him. And no, I don't just like you don't have about my business."

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