Chapter 4

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Cruise to Destiny
Chapter 4

Rosanna POV
I was sitting on the bed and checking my emails and I started planning for jobs that we had to do when I came back to work it looked like we have twenty wedding cakes some are very elaborate and there are several birthday cakes as well. My partner notified me that we had been selected to appear in six months on a show called Cake Wars I don't think I'm nearly good enough to go on that show he replied that I'm more than talented and just as good as anyone else and they have two openings for us wedding cakes or a horror-themed competition and we need to make up our mind as soon as possible, I think the horror theme would be interesting I mean we have a great reputation for wedding cakes hence the orders we have. James told me to get offline and enjoy my cruise and maybe just maybe find a guy to screw, little does he know I just had the best sex ever. But he was right I had people to meet. I picked out this red cheesecloth dress that looked pretty grabbed some sandals and did a light makeup and headed back to the function hall but before I leave decide on something crazy and wrote a couple of the guests' vouchers maybe it might lead to jobs they might think of my company in the future. I enter the room who do I do? I see how crazy Norman's line poor thing but I guess he'll find another woman I mean that's how he found me it must be how he does things he picks up the easiest or most desperate woman I suppose I was he didn't have to chase me. I decided to start with Greg Nicotero, I knew of him before last night. I lined up he was another one mom did a bag for.

"Hi, Rosanna." He says as he hugs me.

"Hi, Greg nice to see you again. Thank you for letting me come last night it was a fun night. You guys were right Norman's a bad singer." We both laugh about that though he isn't that bad he just needs more confidence that's all. I got an autograph and handed him the bag and he looked through it. "I'm not sure what mom picked for you but there's something from myself I'd like to give you a voucher redeemable for a cake within reason of your choice."

"This is too much, I can't say yes to this."

"I was thinking it's your birthday soon and I've heard you're a Jaws fan so maybe a very cool Jaws-inspired cake would be pretty sweet. I love the movie it scared the shit out of me. What do you say maybe if you like it you might think of my company."

"Oh, I'll scratch your back you'll scratch mine huh."

"Yeah, that's the idea."

"But isn't that Norman's job."

"Highly doubt that he'll be there to do it, honestly it's the least I can do. You've no idea how much this show meant to my mom honest it's the least I could do I just wish that she could have met all of you she would've loved it."

"Well thank you, yeah I'd like that a Jaws-themed cake, yeah my birthday is 15th March." I took a mental note of his birthday and hugged him again. I was surprised when I heard him say. "You know Norman isn't a bad guy give him a chance."

"Yeah, I get that I wish he knew that about himself."

"Very true honey I hope to see you again." I made my way around the hall and gave gift bags to Chandler and Alannah, I included a voucher for her as well seeing she was my mom's favorite female character. Eventually, I finished everything I had to do I think that was the last part of what mom needed me to do. I was thinking that I might go to the disco later here I think it might be time to start living again. I was surprised when I got to my room there was a bunch of flowers in my suite, there was a note with them. 'Thanks for a wonderful night last night. Meet me at Cagney's Steakhouse at nine. Wear your hair down. NR' Oh he sent me flowers that's so romantic I wonder if he meant it to be like that. I look through my clothes fuck me what does one wear for a date with a Hollywood actor? I mean he could've any woman not someone like me, but he did he pounded the fuck out of me and I begged for more I don't know why he picked me but I want more of him I don't want this to be a weekend thing but I have no idea how I could keep him I am not a model or actress. So, I decide on a pair of jeans, and sexy tight top, and a pair of heels, I leave my hair down like he asked and I head out to the steakhouse and wait for my date. Is it a date?

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