Chapter 33

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Cruise to Destiny
Chapter 33
Two months later

Jackie POV

"Well, nice to finally meet you, Diane. Please sit."

She sits at the bar we're at as I know Alfred's outside taking photos of this meeting.

"I still don't want to do this. It's so wrong."

"So, are the things you do, I'm sure your mother would love to know how much her daughter loves to suck dick now, wouldn't she? But then you're the idiot who let a man tape her."

"How did you get this he promised it was for his eyes only."

"Oh, I can hack just about anything, didn't take that long to figure out the combination to his porn room. Everyone else didn't care if they came out you're the only one who didn't want them to see the light of day."

"That's because I have class and grace. The others were whores."

"I wouldn't be throwing that word around you aren't too far away from it yourself. Well getting to what you're here for this is temazepam there's enough here to send lover boy to sleep. Now when he's distracted by a couple I have hired that'll pretend to know you, pour this in his drink it should take effect in about twenty minutes or so. You need to be outside when it does and my friend who at this minute is shooting this meeting will take photos of you two together, then get him back at his hotel and you can do whatever you want to him. Fuck him don't fuck him I don't care just get some naked pictures of him preferably selfies, that's all I want. So, I can send it to the little woman so she will leave him."

"But why? I don't understand why you need to do this."

"Why? Not that is any of your business but Norman started a chain of events that led to death and destruction, he deserves what I will do to him. Just like the other bastard got his. But he won't be lonely for long. If he knows what's good for him as I know all his dirty little secrets." I place the bottle and the address to where he's staying on the table.

"Jackie if I do this I get everything right all the tapes, pictures everything?"

"I keep my word, Diane, you'll get everything I have." I watch her grab the bottle and walk away.

Diane POV

What do I do? If I don't do it and if she releases what she has I'll never live it down, sure might get some publicity from it but my reputation will be ruined. I've worked too hard to have that happen, I've done some even worse things if they came out my life would be over. I still have Norman's number on my phone I hope he hasn't changed it. Don't pick up, please.

"Hello, Diane."

"Hey, Norman. How are you?"

"Tired about to call the family. What's up?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come out to dinner with me tonight. I'm in Barcelona and heard you were here. I haven't seen you since god when was it 2016? I thought maybe a nice dinner, catch up on what's been happening. What you say?" Please say no.

"Yeah, it's been a long time. What since we saw each other in Paris, right?" Fuck Norman don't come.

"Okay, I'll book us a table at Terrat for eight what do you say?"

"I know where that place is it isn't far from my hotel. I'll meet you there Diane later."

I hung up on him fuck I wanted him to tell me fuck off. I know if I don't my past will come back to haunt me.

Norman POV

Man, I can't wait for this tour and episode to be done, I should've said no to Diane but it's been a long time since I've seen her pretty much the last time we hooked up in Paris before I met Rosanna, seems like a lifetime ago I should've made her come with me but she didn't want to but then she missed my art show I was rather disappointed as it's the first one I've done since we've been together and I did want her to come. But I understand she's not good with crowds as she showed me on the cruise and hyperventilated, I just did what I did when Mel had them and I just held on to her until she relaxed and she was okay, so she decided not to come with me to London I couldn't even get her to go for the shopping. But I'll be making up for lost time when I do see her as it's been too long since my dick hasn't been this dry since after she had Destiny, god I have missed my girls so much we talk every day twice a day but I still miss them Rosanna showed me that Destiny can roll over now she's growing up too fast soon she'll be one before I know it. I see my phone ring.

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