Chapter 7

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Cruise to Destiny
Chapter 7

The next day

Rosanna POV

The day has finally arrived and I don't know if I'm scared but I know I'm doing the right thing I don't want my cancer genes to continue it's stage one of my plan, I've been investigating adopting a child, I want a child just not my child I don't want to jinx a child of mine with the chance of dying as I could it isn't fair no child should have to grow up alone. James is away so I am shutting up the shop for the next couple of days. I head to the hospital I'm nervous while the nurse does her final checks. "Okay, I'm sorry to ask a personal question can you do a pregnancy test."

"I haven't had sex in six or seven weeks."

"It's just routine. Did you have your period?"

"I don't know, I can't remember been too busy."

"Well please take this and give us a sample." I take the cup and am pointed in the direction of a restroom, I do the sample and come back the doctor introduces himself and performs the test.

"Well, congratulations Rosanna you are pregnant." I think you could've knocked me over with a feather, I place my hand on my belly.

"Oh, fuck me." I think I shocked the doctor.

"I take it this isn't a planned baby?" Great not only am I pregnant with a child I've more than likely passed these genes inside me onto it but it's with a man that doesn't love me.

"Not. So, I guess the surgery isn't happening correctly?"

"Ma'am, no it can't be in your condition."

We spoke more and he examined me and I was seven weeks. He gave me the name of a doctor who could take care of it if that's the way I decide to go. Though I think that I should tell Norman, I mean he's the father but what if he makes me keep it because he wants it? I have a while to think about what to do with it. Well since I'm not having the surgery I decided to keep working on Greg's cake I have the three men to do and to finish the boat. I walked past the front desk and there were several messages I pressed play there were a couple of clients wanting meetings, Food Network saying they have the theme for the competition and that all will be explained in an email they're sending and the last message was a voice I didn't think I'd hear again.

"Hello, Rosanna it's Norman here. I got the message from you about the money that I owed you. I don't owe you anything. I never ordered anything for Greg so you can forget about money. Did you decide you needed something from me? You're the one who decided that she didn't want what I was offering and wiped me from your life deleting everything of you from it. I haven't and never will pay for it Rosanna, I thought you were better than a whore that's what you told me. Why you were adamant that you couldn't take up my offer because you were a nice woman, but you're not too cheap to want me to pay you for sex? Goodbye Rosanna don't call me or text me, keep pretending I don't exist as you have for the past seven weeks."

I hear the phone hang up and I feel like crumbling up in a ball, I didn't want him to think I wanted money from him I just wanted a reason to speak to him that sounded legitimate. What does he mean I deleted him from everything? Fuck him he said not to call but I'm pissed off, how dare he leave a message like that on my business phone. I dial the number and I'm shaking from being so angry.


"Norman it's Rosanna."

"What do you want? I thought I said don't call me again."

"Well you know I just wanted to tell you. You just lost the best thing to ever happen to you. I never wanted anything from you. I only said that because that woman wouldn't put me through so I wanted it to appear like I was professional. I don't need you, I've worked too hard to be successful to get it on my back. You said I deleted you from my life more as you blocked me the very next day. Asshole goodbye." I couldn't help it I was angry at him but I didn't lose my temper like I normally do.

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