Chapter 50

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 50

Two days later

Norman POV

Rosanna is doing better no more freakouts about her mom as they changed her medicine and she isn't so loopy. It was occasionally funny especially when Greg came around she started flirting with him. We came back to see her, Destiny had a rough night I think she was teething as we opened the door we heard.

"Ma'am you need to walk we need to see how you're progressing."

"No I don't want to walk around, you do realize I just had major surgery?"

"Yeah, we know you did ma'am. This walking around is good for you if you stay in bed you might get another blood clot and staying immobile means you take longer to heal."

"Fine but I swear if it hurts I'm not doing it again."

"Hey, babe need some help."

"No, these women want me to walk I already know it's going to hurt."

"Well, with that attitude it will. If it does after you've done it we'll give you something for the pain. Anyway, you'll have to as we took the catheter out so you'll eventually have to get up."

"Nope, you don't know my bladder I have a truckie's bladder that can go without going for hours."

"Rosanna come on babe just work with the nurses they just want to help you get better."

"Sure they do fucking sadists." I watch her start to move and stand beside the bed. "Happy now?"

"Ma'am we will be when you are walking around. Do you want to be able to pick up your daughter? To do that you need to do this we need to know how you're coping."

"Fine, whatever I don't care anymore let's just get this shit done." She starts shuffling it's really cute as she has my bunny slippers on.

"That's it, Rosanna. How are you feeling?"

"Okay, I guess. This sucks I hate exercising."

"Come honey let's go to the end of the hallway and then back then you can rest for the time being."

"Honey, you're doing real good." Yeah, she didn't want to do this but she's doing good for her first time up and about.

"See wasn't so hard was it we made the end of the hall now back to your room anyway the nurses were changing your linen while you were out of bed so when you get back there'll be nice new sheets, honey, to sleep in."

"You could at least motivate me with something I like. Oh, when you get to your bed there's real food fuck I'm sick of this liquid shit. I'm going to lose so much weight I'll look horrible skinny."

"Babe no you won't well you know that means you get an updated closet."

"No, I love the clothes I have I'll get them altered to fit my crappy body." She's on a body-loathing day today okay we can deal with that like everything else.

"Honey, you won't have a crappy body. You'll look amazing you already do."

"Hey, nurse you might want to test him for drugs because his sight is screwed up. If he thinks I look good, man I haven't had a proper shower in days I probably stink to high heaven."

"Ma'am you had a sponge bath last night so you smell fine."

"Honey, you always smell great." We make it back to her room.

"See that wasn't so hard, was it? How are you feeling?"

"Okay, I feel okay. Fine, you were right but I'm not getting out of bed again today, had enough exercise for the day."

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