Chapter 49

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Cruise to destiny

Chapter 49

Norman POV

I get told that she will be in recovery for a few hours, two hours later I follow them to her room as they set her up and they leave us alone I close the door so we can have privacy and I move the chair closer and I hold her hand, Rosanna starts to mumble the drugs must be wearing off.

"Hey beautiful, I hope you slept well."

"Hey, babe. Yeah, I did I had a dream we had twins, not us but we adopted twins."

"We did? Nice, what did we name them?"

"Ah I can't remember, they had different names."

"That's usually the case babe can't call each Charlotte, can we?"

"I like that."

"Babe I didn't tell you, our lawyer well my lawyer called us the day you went to yours and well the adoption agency, do you remember we applied to adopt a brother or sister for Destiny? They want to see us, I told him not for a while that's if you still want to do it, babe. I don't want you to think about anything else but feeling better okay that's all you have to worry about."

"What about Destiny is she okay?"

"Have no idea been kind of on phone blackout though I was using my phone it kind of died, she is with Helena and Ming, I'm sure they'll look after her until I pick her up tonight. Would you like me to bring her in tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I'd like that I miss my girl."

A nurse came in and said visiting hours were nearly over I got up and leaned in kissing my wife, left the hospital, and headed to Helena's house to pick up the other most important girl in my life. The next day I woke up in bed with Destiny I didn't want to be alone, Destiny was smacking me.

"Princess don't hit Daddy."

"Da da da mama."

"Yeah, mama isn't here. You want to see mama?" She smiles at me. "You are so like your mama, what you say some cereal and we leave. I bet Mama missed you."

I showered and dressed making sure I had everything with me then headed to the hospital. I wasn't surprised when I heard the following.

"Well, honey sorry I haven't been here sooner. Things are crazy in the shop had to hire another baker as we've been super busy, especially with wedding season coming up. So, enough shop talk, how are you feeling? Hey Norman and hello Princess Destiny I swear Rosanna every time I see her gets bigger and bigger. Hey Norman, how are you doing?" As James hugs me.

"I'm okay. Hey honey, how'd you sleep, babe?"

I walk over and kiss my girl I've missed her but I always do, and she gives me her cheek.

"I'm okay it's just weird not being able to leave the bed here and no I didn't sleep well Norman." I sat on the bed.

"What happened babe you in pain?"

"Yeah, but I can stand it just weird there are all these tubes everywhere I looked at the scars it looks so bad."

"Well, the doctor said that the scarring is minimal but I don't care babe I love you just as you are."

"God Reedus you're such a romantic. Jeffery could get some lessons from you."

"Did you bring him? I'd like to meet your man."

"He's here I'll bring him here to meet you tomorrow if that's okay."

"Yeah, I'd like to meet him properly but warn him I look like shit."

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