Chapter 8

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Cruise to destiny
Chapter 8
Norman POV

We talked for a little while and I asked Rosanna to show me around. Her work's quite impressive. "So how long have you been doing this?"

"Ah about ten years, I used to work for Carlo's Bakery in New York that's where I learned my technique and where I met James we hit it off immediately, then he met Jackson and he was from here, and wanted to move back to Atlanta James followed him and then he called and said that I should come down here and that was seven years ago. We opened this place up and the business is good. We do a lot of wedding cakes and specialty birthday cakes like your friends."

"Wow, that's very cool babe. Are you sure you don't want to come with me? I mean you worked so hard on that cake and you never even get to taste it."

"I don't know I'm rather excited to be going out for dinner with you tomorrow." I walk up to her.

"Good I'm glad you're trying Rosanna. I'm trying too. I want you I do, I've missed you so much. I want to kiss you so bad babe."

"No Norman, I can't let you do that. It's moving too fast and things are different. Things have happened."

"Did you meet someone?"

"Oh, god no Norman. I'm faithful not that you were. I'm not a people person I told you that Norman."

"Hey, you knew what I was like that I had another but she's gone. I won't be seeing her ever again."

"Damn straight Reedus, I'll say if you cheat on me one time that's it we won't be together I can forgive anything but that."

"I understand when I'm with someone I'm with someone Rosanna, she wasn't around when I was." Shut up Norman fuck she doesn't need to know this shit. "Okay, babe seeming you aren't coming with me. What about lunch then I'll head back to Greg's and then we'll see each other tomorrow night, I'll pick you up tomorrow night and we'll go to my restaurant. I'll ask Greg for a piece of cake for you missy because it isn't fair that you don't get to eat it." She smiles at me.

"Okay if there's any leftover you can."

"God Rosanna all I want to do is hug and kiss you. But I know I can't, but know this when I can I'm never going to stop." I take my leave but not before I get her number again this time I call it to make sure it's the right number and her ringtone makes me laugh she has 'Candy" as her ringtone and I like that song.

"Not trusting me huh?"

"Oh, no baby I did ask Jeffery for your number and he gave it to me but it was the wrong number. You don't want to know what it was."

"You can't say that and not tell me what it was you, teaser." She this time moves closer to me Man her breasts are huge I fucking love them I want to lick away at her nipples and motorboat her. Fuck she'll torture me but maybe just maybe I deserve some of it.

"I called it and it was something like Debbie's pleasure dungeon. Might need that number another time."

"Oops, you found my other job. That's funny."

"I'm sorry I didn't try harder I was angry when he gave me that number I thought that you hated me. I didn't even think that the woman I was with did it."

"I can't believe you'd think that of me. Was I once a bitch? No Norman I wasn't but considering that you're rich I would've thought if you wanted me then you would've tried harder to find me it's not that hard, everything's listed if you had bothered to look for me. I wanted you to call me but I was so deeply hurt by what you did to me. It took all the courage I had to call you from here and I got her. I knew she was more than an assistant since she called me Suzanna instead and I knew she'd twist my words around to make me look bad I hoped that you mightn't believe her, but you did it was like a knife twisted in my chest. That being said I should've tried too that's my fault. These past few days my life has changed in ways that I can't explain and they need my full attention and I have given them that. I was falling for you Norman and I want that again. I'm just going to go home okay maybe eat a crap tonne of food I'm hungry and maybe try watching this guy's show that he's in that show I never watched I think it might be time to see what all the fuss is about."

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