Chapter 21

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 21

Rosanna POV 

After a very enjoyable afternoon by the pool, Norman and I fell asleep we woke and Norman insisted on making us dinner. We were sitting at the dining table talking.

"So, why'd you come home Norman it wasn't to have sex, was it?"

"No babe I was worried about you and it wasn't necessary to be there tonight so I thought fuck it I'd rather be home with my wife and I didn't want her home alone. I knew James wouldn't be turning up and I was worried about you."

"I'm worried about him, I'm worried that he might do something terrible. I know he isn't coping, I mean I get it I can only imagine what he's going through and I need to help him."

"You need to worry about yourself and Destiny. You might get stressed and that'll bring her on and honestly I don't want her born yet."

"I know but he's my family Norman, yes I know I'm married to you but he's been in my life for nearly ten years and I can't just drop him to concentrate on myself that's selfish, and inconsiderate, especially when he needs me. I want to go see him I think I might tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll take you then, drop you off. But you need not stress please I don't want our daughter born early."

"I'm not in the mood to fight Norman. Destiny's perfectly happy where she is. I'm fine I'm bored shitless Norman I haven't been out of this house for four weeks except for the funeral. I can walk around the baby's happy where she is. Also, we need to do a nursery here but we haven't. I want that done before we bring our baby home." I push my chair out and take my plate to the kitchen.

"You do know she'll more than likely be born in New York if she lasts until October. I'm finishing up at the end of September and we're heading to my home there. I was planning on a nursery there." This is the first I've heard about this.

"What do you mean a move to New York? I can't move, my life's here in Georgia. What do I do about my business and family? I can't leave James alone to run it."

"Yes, you can you'll be on maternity leave then so you can. You can go back to work in say March but this is my life babe you knew it when you married me. You should've known that I don't live here this isn't my home New York is. I don't want to fight over this and stress you out."

I walked away from him I don't want to leave here to live in New York I suppose I'll have to but it's not fair I'm giving up my life to be with him and he doesn't care. I mean I can't do that to James he'd be on his own for four months a year and that'd suck. I guess we could hire a new decorator I'll talk to James about it. I walk back inside I don't want to fight I don't like it unless I want something.

"Calmed down babe?"

"Condescending much? I have a lot of decisions to make this is my home well Georgia is and what you're asking me to do is so hard that I either have to leave James alone again or hire someone which means I no longer run my business as I like. If it was reversed and you needed to make this decision what would you do? I'll more than likely go but I'm going to feel very bad about it."

"Firstly, I'm not being condescending I'm trying to make sure you're okay. I'd like you to come with me as you and Destiny are my family and we should be together as much as possible."

"But you'll be filming Ride right in January to March right so we'll be apart then so does it matter where we are if we're going to be apart?"

"I guess. But I want to be able to come home to you in New York much easier especially when I am coming from Barcelona or South Korea babe."

Cruise to Destiny Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora