Chapter 35

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 35

Rosanna POV
I am driving north towards Windham, New Hampshire in my Dodge, and my phone's ringing constantly. I'm ignoring it at least until Destiny starts crying and I need to stop so the first part of my plan I need Norman to not know where I am at least for a couple of days. I stopped at Best Buy and bought a new phone so I could still be in contact with James and not have Norman know where I was, grabbed a decaf, and fed Destiny. Before I set off I put James's and reluctantly Norman's number in the phone not that I intend to use Norman's number I have no desire to talk to him, Diane can have his cheating ass. I switch my old phone off and I love the peace no more ringing phone.

We arrived at the address James gave me, and I was shocked at how beautiful it was. I left Destiny in the car while I went to find the key, finding it I went back, collected Destiny, and headed inside. It looks like no one has been here for a while, I clean a spot for Destiny so she can stay while I open the house up and realize that there's nothing here, so we head out and I find a place for dinner, we ended up at a place called common man, I find a quiet corner I didn't want to attract attention in case there are any of his fans here. I order steak and a glass of wine, deciding I need dessert I'm feeling so bad and alone yes, I did this, but what choice did I have? I honestly don't know, if I'd stayed things would've gotten out of hand and things might've been thrown, and words would've been said if I'm truthful I love him still, I don't understand what I did wrong, I know I did the wrong thing not going with him while he did his conventions and promo work for AMC, then on to Madrid I should've gone but I saw some of the pictures and the crowds were ridiculous, and I don't like crowds I suffer from claustrophobia, I don't think Norman understands. I ordered dessert and more to go. I take photos of Destiny she's smiling at me. I wonder if she understands that mommy's sad and just wants to curl up in a ball and cry until there are no tears left. We went back to the house, I bathed my girl all the while wondering what Norman was doing probably her again I mean he's insatiable when he gets some. I understand why he picked her she's the opposite of me skinny, stylish, and a blonde, I'm chubby, unstylish compared to her, and a brunette. I know that I'm not even close to her level but I try I still have my stomach I probably always will unless I get plastic surgery but I don't want that. I climb into bed with Destiny and cry myself to sleep. But not before sending an Instagram message to Norman, that shows we are okay or that at least Destiny is.

Norman POV

Okay now, what do I do? I need to find my girls they could be anywhere. I call Cookie to come back and see what he suggests. I call James again and as much as I hate to I'm going to beg him to tell me where she is. "James. She's gone and taken the baby."

"Dude no she thought it was better than leaving her alone in the house. They're fine she just needs time to settle down. She wonders why you did it and what she did wrong."

"She did nothing, hell I don't know if I did anything honest I don't know I've no idea how I got back to the hotel."

"So, you might've been drugged? Fuck Norman I don't know what to say. I can try telling her that but I haven't heard from her to tell me she arrived where she is."

"James please I need to see my family, where are they?"

"No, I can't tell you. I promised her I wouldn't and she deserves my trust after everything she has done for me."

"I thought we were friends but I guess we aren't. Don't worry I'll find her myself. Thanks for nothing."

I hang up now I'm pissed I don't know what to think. When Cookie arrives I ask him to call for a private detective to see if they can find her. I go to make a drink and stop myself that's what got me into trouble and my family abandoned me, maybe I need help Rosanna's right I need to fix myself to be better for them both. About an hour later I should be sleeping but I feel anything but sleepy I'm dodging phone calls from my mom because I know I'll get a lecture and I'm not in the mood. I decided to post a picture of the four of us on Instagram with the comment missing you as there's a knock on the door I'm shocked by who it is it's Diane.

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