Chapter 52

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 52

One week later 10 May

"Come on babe we need to well you need to be more active why don't we have a day out? We'll go shopping? I'm so bored Rosanna."

"Well, you go out I can't possibly look horrible I'm all washed out."

"No come on put on some clothes and makeup, we're going out. What would you like to do?"

"Absolutely nothing. If I move around I lose weight. I've already lost five pounds in three weeks."

"Well, that calls for new stuff babe."

"No, I'll get the dresses I want to wear altered to fit me and get new pants."

"Come on what can we do that you want to do?"

"I guess I need an update on books and movies I suppose we could go shopping."

"Well, go get dressed."

I walk off to the bedroom looking for something to wear I strip down to my underwear which is just basic, I dress for comfort and coverage, not for sexiness.

"Hey, babe Destiny's dressed."

"Fuck Norman. Do you mind?"

"Are you okay Rosanna?"

"I'm just not comfortable with you seeing me." I was holding a shirt against my chest.

"Why? I think you look good."

"I'm unhappy that I've lost a lot of weight. Why do you think I've been covered up?"

"Well, you knew you would but do you think I care? I thought you were dressing for comfort?"

"I am not happy, it's weird like my body isn't my own anymore."

"Well, what do I need to do to show you that how you look doesn't matter to me?"

"I don't want to be a stick Norman. This is the skinniest I've ever been. I'm scared I won't recognize myself, you say that it doesn't matter how I look but I have to learn to love myself again, I know how that sounds but I loved how I was and that was how you met me."

He steps closer to me and I am shocked when he pulls the shirt from my hands, I cover my breasts I haven't been naked in front of Norman since that time in the hospital.

"Give me that back Norman, please."

Norman starts looking through my closet and shoe racks.

"Why Rosanna? No, you aren't wearing jeans and a shirt, wear this dress babe, and these. You will look amazing." Pulling out a short sundress and a pair of purple heels.

"I can't possibly wear that it's too loose."

"Well, wear a belt it will make you look great. Babe do your hair and makeup we'll have a nice day visit Best Buy and stock up on whatever you want and then I was thinking, maybe a treat what you say there's an ice cream parlor I think Destiny's old enough to try some chocolate ice cream."

"Okay I'll put that on but if someone looks at me weird never again."

"Babe they won't even notice you honest. They'll be looking at my sexy arse."

I do my hair and makeup and wear what he told me to wear I must say it doesn't look bad and makes me feel younger I mean I am only 32, and I can get away with something like this.

"Well, Destiny who's that pretty lady? It's your mom you say well you're a lucky girl and I'm a very lucky guy, babe you look amazing."

"Thank you, Norman I must say I look very good, not bad for nearly 33 in two months."

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