Chapter 20

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 20

Norman POV  

"Hey, Greg I've been meaning to ask you Saturday after the panel I was thinking of heading home. I don't like Rosanna being alone."

"She's not isn't her friend there?"

Greg and I are having breakfast with the rest of the group.

"Well, I hope he's going over today. She shouldn't be alone Greg, what would you do if it was Shari? Leave her alone? I'm starting to know what she is like, she's very headstrong Greg, she's supposed to be resting but I guarantee she isn't and unfortunately, Mom and Ming have gone home."

"What about Scott? I'm sure he'll keep an eye on her."

"True Greg, seems I've got to be here until tomorrow but I'll be leaving as soon as I'm finished with those interviews."

"Sounds like a plan man."

Later that day...

Exhausted but happy it's been a fun day, I'm getting ready for dinner with Aaron and Steven, but before I do that I'll call Rosanna to see how she is as I've been sending pictures to her all day.

"Hey, babe."

"Hi, Norman. Did you have a good day?"

"Yeah, I did. Did you and James have a good day?"

"I swam more like floated like a whale. James isn't here."

"What the fuck babe? He isn't there. Doesn't he know you need him? Fuck should've used someone reliable I'm calling Scott and going to see if he and Heavenly are available, I don't want you alone."

"Norman I'm okay. I'll order something to be delivered for dinner and I'll just watch TV I have a bunch of Deadly Women to watch, I'll be fine I promise."

"Okay, babe I'll trust you honey. But I am unimpressed with James yeah I know he lost his husband but you needed him and I trusted him that he'd help you."

"Honey please he'll get better. I can't imagine what he's going through."

"Rosanna stop making excuses for him. Yes, I know and I can't imagine what he has been going through I think I'd be devastated as well but he needs to get help so he can move on and survive. Jackson wouldn't want him like this. Okay babe I'll be home as soon as I can be."

"Norman I'm okay, honest you don't need to worry about me. I'm resting as much as I can."

"Good to hear babe. I have to go babe I'm expected for dinner."

We say our goodbyes and I hang up I'm pissed at James he promised me he'd help and I believed him, I go through my phone and find his number.

"Hello, Norman." He's drunk as he is slurring his speech.

"James, what are you doing with your life?"

"What fucking life asshole? I have nothing. You have no idea what I'm going through. I killed the love of my life and I want to fucking die but too fucking gutless to fucking do it."

"You need help, James. Whatever you need. Do you realize how fucking selfish that is? Do you know how devastated Rosanna would be if you killed yourself? I think that might be something that'd push Rosanna over the edge or do you just not care because you're being selfish and you didn't kill him that fucker did he wouldn't want you to die, and neither would Rosanna you're her only other family. I don't know how she'd cope she could lose our baby over it." I can hear him crying.

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