Chapter 40

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Cruise to Destiny
Chapter 40

Norman POV

Well, it wasn't surprising both Diane and Jackie were arrested, when they were investigating Jackie's home they found in her fridge a set of testicles and it was discovered she had castrated the father of her baby. Damn and I was in a relationship with her, I guess I'm lucky all she wanted from me was sex but hell who knows my balls might have joined the collection. 

"Norman, what do I need to take to Italy I mean will it be hot or cold? You know I'm going to look like crap."

"It'll probably be cold, so a couple of sweaters and jeans, hopefully, I can see you in a bikini. You aren't going to look like crap. Is that why you aren't eating honey don't think I haven't noticed that you don't eat as much as you used to. We have three weeks in Italy babe and I want you to throw out any ideas of dieting babe, the food's amazing and I can't have my number one girl losing her looks."

"Destiny's never going to lose her looks because she looks like you." I slide up behind my sexy wife caressing my hands up her body, she's losing her hips and when I reach her breasts they feel smaller.  "Then why does our girl now have more of you in her? That cute button nose and her lips are you and she has this beautiful hair babe, don't go shorter I like being able to move it to the side and kiss this very sexy neck."

"True babe, she's a mini-me. By the way, I'm not dieting I just have no appetite, I want to eat Norman, I just get full easy babe. I was thinking seeming we have some alone time I was thinking maybe we could look at adding to our family, seeing what we need what do you think? I know we only just had Destiny but who knows how long it'll take to process the paperwork. So, is there anywhere you want to adopt from or just a child in need of love?"

"Honey, wherever there's a baby that needs our love it doesn't matter babe. We'll find the right baby." I didn't realize she wanted more kids until we spoke about it but she did say that it was something she had wanted to do, and she's right Destiny needs a brother or sister close to her age, yeah we have a lot of friends with kids but it's not the same. I'll get my lawyer to look at it. 

Mom's here as James had an emergency at the shop and couldn't help us, she said she'll look after Destiny for the first half of the trip and Leslie'll be doing the other half. Rosanna was explaining everything where we keep everything and what Destiny likes, at five months she developed her little personality.

"Rosanna, honey I've looked after all of Norman's nieces and nephews Destiny'll be no different."

"Yeah mom's right babe, Destiny'll be in good hands. Mom, have you seen Leslie? I spoke to her explaining what's happening I don't know Mom, something's wrong there."

"Yeah, I know. I'll talk to her when she gets here, she needs to leave that husband of hers. I wish she'd see that but, I don't know Norman." 

"I know Mom we'll fix this hell I could get Cookie on it."

"I wouldn't normally involve myself in my kid's life but I've got to get involved in her life I mean she's my daughter and she's not the girl she was before they married. She deserves better, but I know we can fix it."

"Okay, Mom, Rosanna you got everything? If not don't worry we can replace it. You don't need that much Rosanna."

"Oh, one's empty it's for shopping." She brings in her suitcases and I take them off her. We both say goodbye to Destiny and Mom then leave we head to the airport and relax in the VIP lounge waiting for our plane to be called.

"So, Norman babe are we doing anything in Italy? I'd love to see as much as I can seeming I've never been there."

"We can do as much or as little as you want babe."

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